City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

That link is very revealing.

In summary it seems we are saying ATP is unlawful, all of it. So what if we didn’t win on a few counts. We only needed to win one for it to be unlawful.

We are bringing the house down. After years of frustration with our softly, softly approach, the gloves are now off. There is no going back.
Yup, a fight to the death………………..of Masters.
I've held off saying anything on the whole 'Jordan now good, Stefan now bad' debate, till I have had a chance to hear the chat for myself. While I do not agree with Stefan's 'precis' based purely on my reading both the statements issued, how anyone can go on to think Jordan has suddenly found some level of balance, and Stefan has lost his, properly blows my mind. One is still full of innuendo and not so concealed digs at City, the other deals with facts and not tribal convictions. Listened to it and every single thing Jordan said made me cringe.
Leopards don't change their spots. Jordan hates us
Exactly! The PL got their arses handed to them on a City themed platter....
I honestly don’t understand how can pl win this case ? I mean they had nothing to win to begin with and they lost the second they let mcfc bring this case to them.
City’s victory is not quantifiably yet coz we got ample of bonuses while at it
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I know you do pal, your work on the redevelopment threads and photos is invaluable.

I just mean the thread is slowing down for now until we have some further news, or a response from elsewhere etc.

I know Rammy.

Apologies for jumping on you.

I wasn’t having a go at you.

My first day back at work after my holiday, and it was an absolute f*cking mare.

I’m not going to pay to read it either.

I honestly don’t understand how can pl win this case ? I mean they had nothing to win to begin with and they lost the second they let mcfc bring this case to them.
City’s victory is not quantifiably yet coz we got ample of bonuses while at it
It's the arrogance of abusing your position being judge, jury & executioner. The way they had this stitched up, they didn't care what the "Gulf State Clubs" said or did about this obvious con.

The best bit is yet to come. The PL have to include all shareholder loans & make available this "mythical" historic sponsorship database that no one but the PL has seen or has access to, or scrap the fuckin lot. Either way, they've royally stiffed themselves.

The Martin Samuel article in The Times is particularly damning. He outlines how the PL highlighted APT issues with clubs & companies from the "Gulf States", but totally failed to mention American owned clubs & sponsors.

It's time to end this fuckin farce & bring in an independent regulator for English football (IREF).
stefan let us down today! Very Poor on talk sport.

‘Score draw, narrow win for city’

What the fuck is he on about
Poor show from you. Stefan let no one down and is not a spokesperson for MCFC, bluemoon or anyone else. He expresses his opinion. He appears to have relevant experience in litigation and the like. I don't agree with many of his comments but I welcome his observations in the current reporting environment

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