City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

It's a bit more complex than that. To make APT lawful they'll have to include director loans & apply the amended rules retrospectively. Obviously, this has several serious implications.

If they throw the whole lot out, it has serious implications for clubs affected by the unlawful APT rule.

From what I can see, the PL are fucked if they do, & fucked if they don't. They've only got themselves to blame...

If they were a genuine operator that only wants the correct decision to apply rather than a favourable outcome for certain teams then it wouldn’t matter to them.
If they were a genuine operator that only wants the correct decision to apply rather than a favourable outcome for certain teams then it wouldn’t matter to them. They wouldn’t give a flying fuck if it was
The PL are run by those "certain teams", so it'll be interesting to see how they intend to wangle their way out of this fine legal mess they've gotten themselves into without affecting the cartel clubs in the process.

What a wicked web they've woven... :-)
Hopfully get some early leaks from the meeting , are we invited ? If so take pannek and put the shits up them

It’s certainly the case that the cartel are likely to opt for a quick fix and a paper over the cracks approach which in all likelihood will lead to City going back to Court for clarification.

The Telegraph artticle is so biast it's untrue.
The point that scrutinisation of Arsenal and Liverpool occurs under UEFA rules are irrelevant. As has been proven with City.

The PL legal advisors probably told them they were in trouble on a number of counts.
Probadly as follows:

1. Loans are either included or they're not.
- If they're not then sponsorships prior to the new improved rules must also be excluded.
if not then City will go back to the tribuneral and win again as sure as night follows day.

2. To comply with the ruling the final decision on sponsorships will have to be arbitured by an independent body and NOT by the PL.

3. Information will have to be sharedwith City as to the reasons why the PL want to block the sponsorships. Including information about comparable sponsorship amounts by other clubs.
- As the sponsorships that were rejected were not much bigger than other clubs recent clubs recent sponsorships then the PL clearly wants to pay City even more money.

4. The PL will have to agree compensation with City for:
- Loss of two sponsorships.
- The fact that the rules were declared ILLEGAL, UNFAIR and UNREASONABLE.

What a bunch of clowns.

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