I am a lawyer so thought to give my two cents. This case against the Premier League is obviously related to the 115 charges case. If we were to establish that Premier League has been discriminating against us and the APT rules are against the Competition Laws of the UK, this will have far reaching consequences for the Premier League. The 115 charges cases against us was FFP based. FFP was brought about by other clubs in majority who decided to implement these rules in order to stop our progress. If we again prove that 14 vote rule by the majority is unjustified and indeed tyrannical in this case. All the decisions made by the PL through majority votes will be liable for legal challenges including the FFP. If FFP falls consequently, so do the 115 charges. I will say smart legal strategy by City's legal team. The media reaction says it all , if the judges finds the case in our favour then it means we are in the right, full stop. We beat UEFA and my legal understanding says we will beat the PL too. CTID