City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

The prem seem to think that sponsorship only goes one way and that only the football club benefit from the sponsorship, when in fact Etihad have really grown and benefited from association with City.
Hence why they pay accordingly. It's not that hard to understand for anyone outside of the Premier League...
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As a Newcastle fan, I questioned this. Say I was a millionaire, or even a billionaire and I wanted to sponsor Newcastle Inited for £50m, and the Premier League said no, but I asked to sponsor Liverpool for that amount and they said yes, surely I have the ability to take action against the Premier League.

To me, giving Newcastle £50m would be worth it. It could buy us a player to compete, or it could be the difference between winning something, and not winning it.
Giving Liverpool that money would mean the opposite, Liverpool likely get that player ahead of Newcastle, and likely go on to win something with that money.

Naturally you all as Man City fans would feel the same about sponsoring Man City.

So who is it for the Premier League to say how I can and can’t spend my money, and how 2 teams who have an equal share in the Premier League are having 2 different limits of funding sources placed on them?

Surely in competition law, there is laws preventing that, as well as the Premier Leagues ‘Everyone is equal, and has equal opportunities’ rules.

Howay the penny.
You have to wonder how far down this road the cartel will continue to back him before his incompetence overshadows his malleability.

The damage to the league's reputation thus risk to precious media incomes will surely become too much to bare at some point; the cartel are certainly more concerned with their profitability than we are.
They didn’t bank on City exposing them for the cunts that they are , and true to his word Khaldoon said he would never take a pinch again , more fool them for thinking he’d be patted on the head like a fucking old labrador. All so unavoidable when you analyse it , the PL is fucked , and any club who sides with the red cartel are just weak minded shithouses.

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