City launch legal action against the Premier League

See Jim will fix it has warned the league on regulation overkill.

If the Red twats are not on board soon enough this will all disappear. The 115 is practically dead in the water and the challenge to the latest APT rules will hopefully result in said rules reverting back to their previous incarnation.

Jimbob doesn’t want regulation that will inhibit the rags spending. He didn’t even name check masters when speaking about the league. Masters will be the fall guy here and I still maintain a settlement will be reached. Far too much at stake for this to run its course. The optics will need to be played out.

The tide is turning as will be witnessed in the coming months.
See Jim will fix it has warned the league on regulation overkill.

If the Red twats are not on board soon enough this will all disappear. The 115 is practically dead in the water and the challenge to the latest APT rules will hopefully result in said rules reverting back to their previous incarnation.

Jimbob doesn’t want regulation that will inhibit the rags spending. He didn’t even name check masters when speaking about the league. Masters will be the fall guy here and I still maintain a settlement will be reached. Far too much at stake for this to run its course. The optics will need to be played out.

PSR will hamper them when they need a massive squad refresh that they can’t stick on the company credit card. The proposed anchoring will hurt them as much as it hurts City as well, they’ve voted for this show to be implemented now they have to lay in their bed.
I envy you mate. I listened for years but got off it.

I've been clean for 3 years and feel great, I’ll never listen to it again!
I was on my way to Norwich (think it was the Tevez/Sergio show so 2012?) and they were asking the presenters to speak about a given subject for 20 seconds, but they could only say positive things. Mark Saggers was told to speak about City and he point blank refused. I switched it off then and it’s never been back on.
See Jim will fix it has warned the league on regulation overkill.

If the Red twats are not on board soon enough this will all disappear. The 115 is practically dead in the water and the challenge to the latest APT rules will hopefully result in said rules reverting back to their previous incarnation.

Jimbob doesn’t want regulation that will inhibit the rags spending. He didn’t even name check masters when speaking about the league. Masters will be the fall guy here and I still maintain a settlement will be reached. Far too much at stake for this to run its course. The optics will need to be played out.

Why couldn't he just say my greedy American partners got in bed with the other red tops and spuds and shit the bed when City started winning and showing an intelligent level of management never seen before.
Now the Premier League is tying itself in knots trying to stop City on behalf of the red tops and the half thought out regulations will hamper us and thats not what was meant to happen.
Well folks, the foundations are creaking now one of the foundation stones is wriggling out. How long before the whole house comes crashing down.
This could be my best summer since 69;-)
Why couldn't he just say my greedy American partners got in bed with the other red tops and spuds and shit the bed when City started winning and showing an intelligent level of management never seen before.
Now the Premier League is tying itself in knots trying to stop City on behalf of the red tops and the half thought out regulations will hamper us and thats not what was meant to happen.
Well folks, the foundations are creaking now one of the foundation stones is wriggling out. How long before the whole house comes crashing down.
This could be my best summer since 69;-)

It's been a few summers since I had a 69 ....
Why couldn't he just say my greedy American partners got in bed with the other red tops and spuds and shit the bed when City started winning and showing an intelligent level of management never seen before.
Now the Premier League is tying itself in knots trying to stop City on behalf of the red tops and the half thought out regulations will hamper us and thats not what was meant to happen.
Well folks, the foundations are creaking now one of the foundation stones is wriggling out. How long before the whole house comes crashing down.
This could be my best summer since 69;-)
Iv been holding off taking holidays for a meltdown bonanza week of crying with the cartel members jumping from their nearest domino’s. Come on city, dont let me down.

I need unadulterated, unfiltered access to their pain -:)

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