City= many black players, but at COMS not many black fans

There are lots of black people, including women and children, who have season tickets in and around my row (East Stand lower, U, near halfway line).
But to be honest, does it matter if people are brown, white, green or purple? As long as people are BLUE they are sound as.
Maybe the cameras only show certain parts of the ground, eg after a goal, and that is what perhaps gives an erroneous impression to the OP?
Can't say I've noticed any difference since the Maine Road days, except for more families and females of all races.
But please cut the OP some slack if he is from overseas and has only seen us on TV. It is all but impossible to judge a crowd from televised coverage
mcfcmatt said:
supercity36 said:
mcfcmatt, you seem to be one of the growing number of block 110/111 goons (no offence to the big majority of good fun loving fans in that area)

Why? because I feel offended that somebody has asked if coloured people are basically allowed and accepted in our stadium? And will they run into racists if they do?!

no because any thread that disagrees with your opinion you steam in and lable the person a 'dickhead ''twat'' etc. as seen in the united soold out threads and bluewatch one last season.

thank god i sit in the south stand ;-) lol
The OP clearly stated he was a foreigner who watches matches on having not visited the ground he asked a question about the racial makeup of the crowd...cue the holier than thou mob vying to see who can get their heads furthest up their own aresholes.
BlueMoon93 said:
You see loads of black people at City, and no race isn't issue. Now I've re-read the OP's post I realise it wasn't in bad taste and I apologise for saying it was a silly post.

shadygiz said:
i'm not offended by it, more confused....but we have to allow for the fact that the OP may reside in a country where racism is still an issue

Well fair enough, and I apologise for speaking out of term towards the OP.
I thought the OP was either a) taking the piss or b) on the wind up.

OP I should imagine that if anybody was racist towards anyone inside or around the stadium they would be arrested for it.
I think the simple answer is anyone no matter what ethnicity is welcome to come and watch Manchester City. Simple as that.
Maybe the camera men are racist and only showing white fans?

It was a fair question from someone who hasnt been to COMS as only last week half the people on bluemoon were labelling some city fans knuckle draggin racist

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