City= many black players, but at COMS not many black fans

felixbg said:
mcfcmatt said:
Why? because I feel offended that somebody has asked if coloured people are basically allowed and accepted in our stadium? And will they run into racists if they do?!

no because any thread that disagrees with your opinion you steam in and lable the person a 'dickhead ''twat'' etc. as seen in the united soold out threads and bluewatch one last season.

thank god i sit in the south stand ;-) lol

I'm not quite with you here?
I called who what? I aplogised to the OP regarding this thread although I do stand by the fact that it is a bit of a daft question, and the bit regarding we have a coloured Captain now?!
Now if you are going back to a thread ages ago regarding me calling someone who was acting a bit of a tit on the South Stand a Chav we exchanged PM's which you replied

Message subject: Re: Blues at each others throats in the south stand today
From: felixbg
Sent: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:44 pm
To: mcfcmatt
no worries lol she is a chav btw :-p ... my mates hate her

And if I spoke out of turn on the Derby thread it may because the OP of the thread that got deleted called people cnuts who sat in the 3rd tier for Hamburg?

I don't know what your agenda is here Felix? I seem to of really rubbed you up the wrong way for some reason?
TBH i dont see many black people at city matches but that is not becaus we are racist lol. I have never hear anything racist being shouted or heard any racist singing (I dont think that adda song is racist but please lets not start going on about that again).
I also dont see how the OP has corsed offence.

Now the thing about 110/111 being full of goons, now that is offencive lol
Cambridgeblue said:
skybluekings said:
As a foreigner watching the City games live on TV, it is nice to see such a diverse team - now even with a black captain. However, the COMS doesn't seem to have many black fans at the games.

Is race an issue with city fans? In other words, are people of color welcomed at the games or is it expected to run into racists there?

Firstly "people of colour" is not a politically correct term, neither is coloured. The preferred term nowadays is BME which stands for "Black / Minority Ethnic".

Personally I think there are quite a lot of BME city fans... certainly I think we're probably one of the better represented sides when it comes to the ethnic diversity of our fanbase. In fact I understand that Sierra Leone has quite a few city fans, and even has a team named after us. The club is also actively trying to develop more of a fanbase in Africa - as demonstrated by our pre season visit to South Africa.

As for encountering racists at the game I think there will always be some wherever you go, after all football is reflective of society as a whole. Most racists in football generally cloak their attitudes under cliches of "political correctness gone mad" and often considering it part of their working class heritiage of being a "proper fan" and being able to say whatever they like.

One only need to look at some of the replies to threads complaining about munich chants or chants with racist overtones to understand that some fans sing these kind of songs to separate themselves from what the percieve as an influx of passionless, middle class, "prawn sandwich eating" fans who they blame for ruining the atmosphere at games. Some of these fans seem to take a kind of pride in their stubbornly outdated attitudes...

Obviously London sides will probably have more BME fans just because of the ethnic makeup of the city. Add to that the fact that over the years Chelsea and Arsenal have had more globally recognised BME players like Henry, Drogba, Essien, Mikel, Adebayor, Toure, Gallas, Eboue, Kalou, Song and SWP.

Now that we have the likes of Adebayor and Toure I think we have a better chance of attracting a larger BME fanbase... particularly if we are successful and start playing in the Champions League.

Cambridge Blue - met you so know you are a great guy BUT we do not perfer BME or anything else other than being black and proud :-) People do not get caught up with the PC police because we do not trust them making us the flavour of the month - do what you need to do/say to get though your day job but just be a decent person outside of work and you will be fine, if you make a mistake we will understand.

This is really a funny thread because when City first moved over to COMs I posted on a site that I felt not many of the black fans followed us across town. I based this only that MY friends no longer met up with me before the game because it was too far or maybe I had moved too far south. Well I got so much stick from a bunch of posters calling me racist until someone pointed out that I was a black man from Moss side who still travelled to every home game.

To answer the OP question there is no issues with race at City, no more than you would find in normal life outside the club and very much LESS than we would find at England games - the very reason I never go to England games. All races are welcomed to City games unless you are from the darkside (pun!) and that is reserved for everyone from there.
I think you see a lot of Black fans at Arsenal, this is for a few reasons. They have played teams over the last 10 seasons with upto 10 black players in their team, that part of North London there are as many black people living there as white ones, and enlarging their ground from 48,000 to 60,000 allowed more local people to buy tickets there.

With City I am sure if you came you would find no problems, and I must say I have never seen a problem here.

Those days of the problems you are talking about finished at football grounds back in the early 80s.
mcfcmatt said:
felixbg said:
no because any thread that disagrees with your opinion you steam in and lable the person a 'dickhead ''twat'' etc. as seen in the united soold out threads and bluewatch one last season.

thank god i sit in the south stand ;-) lol

I'm not quite with you here?
I called who what? I aplogised to the OP regarding this thread although I do stand by the fact that it is a bit of a daft question, and the bit regarding we have a coloured Captain now?!
Now if you are going back to a thread ages ago regarding me calling someone who was acting a bit of a tit on the South Stand a Chav we exchanged PM's which you replied

Message subject: Re: Blues at each others throats in the south stand today
From: felixbg
Sent: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:44 pm
To: mcfcmatt
no worries lol she is a chav btw :-p ... my mates hate her

And if I spoke out of turn on the Derby thread it may because the OP of the thread that got deleted called people cnuts who sat in the 3rd tier for Hamburg?

I don't know what your agenda is here Felix? I seem to of really rubbed you up the wrong way for some reason?

You've rubbed me up the wrong way with this 'coloured' shyte you come out with!!

As the old saying goes, do Black people change colour when they are ill? Cold? Warm? Angry? Less of the ye olden day descriptions, please?

Speaking as an Asian supporter for the last 33 years can i just say i have never felt threatened or intimidated at a match either at COMS or Maine rd.Saying that my elder brother,who is very handy and was arrested at the FA CUP rumble with BORO circa 1995 was always next to me so maybe that was the reason i felt safe.
I can comfirm i stand 2 seats away from a black man, hope this helps.

110 goon.
I am white and sometimes go to the games with my brother in law and nephew who happen to be black,and i can honestly say i have never witnessed any racism watching city either watching with me bro in law or without....i actually think that city is one of the more progressive clubs when it comes to anti racism and long may it be so.
Unknown_Genius said:
We are all one colour. And that is blue.

I am right handed instead of left, am I OK to watch city?

Not taking the p**s but it does not matter what colour, sexual orientation, nationality, creed etc. we are. We are all human beings and we are all Blues.

I understand what the original poster means but it is (as others have stated) a pointless thread. why bring it up?

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