City= many black players, but at COMS not many black fans

davymcfc said:
its a fair question for someone who doesnt know manchester that well or eastlands. now heres the answer. there is no race issue end of. im sure the guy didnt mean to upset anyone.
I think a few people just upset themselves .the Guy has never been to the ground & just asked a Question .Lets not forget Race has been an issue on this board latley with fans lableing fellow City fans Racsist for Singing songs about one of our black players
I'm not bothered what race people are. As long as they're in favour of City, that's all that matters to me.
I wasn't aware this was an issue anymore
"People of Color", yuk, that wishy washy Americanism makes my teeth itch.
BME sounds like something you catch off a dirty hospital bedpan.
I love the way ethnic minority has been changed to minority ethnic though. That is classic white socialist bullshit soundbite merchant material. Someone somewhere lives in a 5 bedroomed house in the country because they have the ability to turn this horseshit into policy.
What a load of bollocks.

This week I would describe my ethnic origin has Eurowhitopean because I'm a person of pasty palor. ;0)
cyberblue said:
davymcfc said:
its a fair question for someone who doesnt know manchester that well or eastlands. now heres the answer. there is no race issue end of. im sure the guy didnt mean to upset anyone.
I think a few people just upset themselves .the Guy has never been to the ground & just asked a Question .Lets not forget Race has been an issue on this board latley with fans lableing fellow City fans Racsist for Singing songs about one of our black players
One of the more interesting threads even if most of the people who contributed are in denial.

Within the last 12 months we have seen the election of BNP councillors in the North West, we've seen the old National Front slogan of British jobs for British workers adopted by the Prime Minister so I'd say racism is alive and well. When I was a kid, the racists wore Dr Marten boots, and were wildy ridiculed. Now their views are mainstream, but their excesses are frowned upon. But dig a little deeper and the emotions run very deep.
How could it be otherwise when we've got 9/11, British troops returning in body bags from wars which have seen hundreds of thousands of civilian dead which dwarf British casualties in the 2nd World War. All well and good to claim that City are a non sectarian family club - which we are - but we all come to the ground with our views and politics as well as our City shirts and scarves. Whatever your viewpoint, you must admit that Britain is as divided by race and class as it ever has been. The forms it takes over the years change, so why should football be an isolated oasis away from the world of the Recession and War?
One of the more interesting threads even if most of the people who contributed are in denial.

Within the last 12 months we have seen the election of BNP councillors in the North West, we've seen the old National Front slogan of British jobs for British workers adopted by the Prime Minister so I'd say racism is alive and well. When I was a kid, the racists wore Dr Marten boots, and were wildy ridiculed. Now their views are mainstream, but their excesses are frowned upon. But dig a little deeper and the emotions run very deep.
How could it be otherwise when we've got 9/11, British troops returning in body bags from wars which have seen hundreds of thousands of civilian dead which dwarf British casualties in the 2nd World War. All well and good to claim that City are a non sectarian family club - which we are - but we all come to the ground with our views and politics as well as our City shirts and scarves. Whatever your viewpoint, you must admit that Britain is as divided by race and class as it ever has been. The forms it takes over the years change, so why should football be an isolated oasis away from the world of the Recession and War?[/quote]

Good point marvin, racism is everywhere. I see it on a daily basis in work and I can only see it getting worse (especially with alot of peoples negative thoughts and opinions towards the asian community due to terroism!).
gazhinio said:
One of the more interesting threads even if most of the people who contributed are in denial.

Within the last 12 months we have seen the election of BNP councillors in the North West, we've seen the old National Front slogan of British jobs for British workers adopted by the Prime Minister so I'd say racism is alive and well. When I was a kid, the racists wore Dr Marten boots, and were wildy ridiculed. Now their views are mainstream, but their excesses are frowned upon. But dig a little deeper and the emotions run very deep.
How could it be otherwise when we've got 9/11, British troops returning in body bags from wars which have seen hundreds of thousands of civilian dead which dwarf British casualties in the 2nd World War. All well and good to claim that City are a non sectarian family club - which we are - but we all come to the ground with our views and politics as well as our City shirts and scarves. Whatever your viewpoint, you must admit that Britain is as divided by race and class as it ever has been. The forms it takes over the years change, so why should football be an isolated oasis away from the world of the Recession and War?

Good point marvin, racism is everywhere. I see it on a daily basis in work and I can only see it getting worse (especially with alot of peoples negative thoughts and opinions towards the asian community due to terroism!).[/quote]

British jobs for British workers? How can that be construed as racist? I guess you can't be Black British or Asian British or Jewish British?

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