City Matters thread

Fair enough mate but that raises other questions - who vouched for her in the first place? Was it CSB? Because it it was, then they weren't doing a very good job. Also, and I'll say it again - has she been fulfilling her role properly and looking out for City fans regardless of who she supports? Oh, and I can see that CSB are getting absolute pelters in the replies from both City and Chelsea fans for going about this so publically.
It might not have been CSB endorsing her because a big deal was made of having Supporters Club Members on City Matters (apart from Kevin) during earlier elections. I remember the Squirty couldn’t get 30 grouping being very vocal at the time lol.
Could you ask wtf the club are doing about the banning of parking within walking distance of the ground especially given (a) the huge amount of money City have invested in the area and (b) the new concert arena, which I believe we are a significant shareholder if. And if the Chelsea fan is there please tell her to fuck right off from me and my family

As I understand it that's being enforced by the council. City have obviously made representations but it's a council decision. I promise you we are working with the club to find solution. Mark Todd the disabled fans rep has done absolutely loads of work on this, completely unprompted and pretty much independently. If anyone wants a good example of how City Matter can be effective Mark is it.
As I understand it that's being enforced by the council. City have obviously made representations but it's a council decision. I promise you we are working with the club to find solution. Mark Todd the disabled fans rep has done absolutely loads of work on this, completely unprompted and pretty much independently. If anyone wants a good example of how City Matter can be effective Mark is it.
Rather than just accepting the councils decision maybe ask the club why they are not pushing hard and threatening to stop pumping in millions into the same local area that don’t want us parking there? Extending the stadium at the same time as doing something that will restrict people going to games seems illogical. Appreciate your response Danny.
May I make a suggestion? Why don't you tell the club that if they don't publish the minutes, which if I remember correctly they promised would be published 2 weeks after the meetings, you (CM Reps) will publish your own minutes?

That might make them sit up and listen?
We have done this, several times actually. We started taking minutes ourselves then the club acted. We will be doing it again. I appreciate this might seem like a weak response but we pretty limited in terms of what we can actually do. What I will do is try and get on here more often to give updates. As I'm sure you can appreciate its a voluntary role but its actually quite a lot of meetings to squeeze in, but I will make an effort until the minutes thing is sorted out.
A good way to get the right people involved in the group, would be to get recommendations from OSC branches, then hopefully the right people get put forward.
supporters clubs have a lot more to offer and have influence to a degree, 1894 group do a fantastic job, we all need to row in the same direction, cos we all do really care about our club and it’s future.
we do really need engagement for the expanded North stand though, only one chance to get it right.

On the face of it that seems a good suggestion however if the entire CM Board was in a supporters club how would you get feedback from the many fans that aren't in a supporters club branch?
whoever else she supports she shouldn’t be on a City fans committee, it really is that simple. And we wonder why we write grovelling letters to liverpool when we have a rep like that (ie a chelsea fan who used to be a Barnsley fan). It’s actually pathetic and when I think of my 63 years as a City fan I am disgusted by it
Well according to one poster, she follows City's men's team and Chelsea's women's team. I can't verify that as her tweets are now protected but I think it's a bit much to say you're disgusted when none of us on here even know the full story. It reminds me of that time when Garry Cook inducted Uwe Rosler into the City hall of fame at a bash with loads of fans present but he mistakenly announced that Uwe was being inducted into the Manchester United hall of fame. The subsequent meltdown on here was off the scale with people practically calling for Cook to be hung, drawn, and quartered. Personally, I thought it was fucking hilarious seeing people lose their shit so much!
It might not have been CSB endorsing her because a big deal was made of having Supporters Club Members on City Matters (apart from Kevin) during earlier elections. I remember the Squirty couldn’t get 30 grouping being very vocal at the time lol.
Squirtyflower was a very angry man about all sorts of things. He thought CM was Kevin Parker's secret cabal for forcing through the OSC's agenda as part of his leading role in the New World Order.

For me, being an OSC member (and particularly people like you, blueyorkie and all the others who have spent years running a branch) is evidence of a demonstrable committment to the club.

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