City Matters thread

There was, and never will be, any excuse for the lack of club condemnation of the shambles of Istanbul. Thousands of SUPPORTERS spent thousands of pounds SUPPORTING City win the trophy the club said they wanted most. The least we could have expected was a bit of SUPPORT from the club after what unfolded. Alex did a fantastic, thorough and professional job compiling a comprehensive report of that shitshow, and what happened - nothing. I have every respect for the reps who give their time and energy to City Matters but for me the Istanbul debacle shows how little credence the club pay them.
I despise UEFA so I made the sacrifice of not going to the Final. Maybe you should have too if you found it such a terrible occasion.

I’ve got a lot of sympathy for the peole in wheelchairs, injured etc. for everyone else, surely winning the Cup was incredible and outweighed getting stuck on a hot minibus.

FWIW, I probably should have gone to Istanbul be use I broke my foot during the celebrations in my local.

All credit to Alex for shining a spotlight on the problems. I’m glad City took the trophies to the worst affected families.
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It's why we need an Independent Supporters Trust - democratically controlled by and for the fans - and with the coming government intervention, would have to be taken seriously by the club

Agreed. Not a slight on the existing structures, but there needs to be a truly independent fan organisation that is free to criticise the club publicly when it is needed.
Agreed. Not a slight on the existing structures, but there needs to be a truly independent fan organisation that is free to criticise the club publicly when it is needed.
There’s many legitimate critiques to be made of City Matters, but I’d like to think that being free to publicly criticise the Club isn’t one of them - at least in recent times.

As I tried to set out in my foreword, Fan Advisory Boards are here to stay - the Premier League and Club are fully signed up to the idea. So, in my view, the Club wouldn’t have much impetus to engage with any new group as the main outlet for fan feedback. That’s not to say that new supporter groups wouldn’t be a valued addition - for example, the guys at the foodbank group do a great job and I try to work closely with them. But it is to say that trying to reform City Matters as much from the inside, and setting the group up to be as successful as possible, is in all of our interests.
Got the Club email email about applying to join City Matters. Clicked the link out of curiosity.

Apparently before applying it's vital the club know
Your ethnicity,
Your Sexual preference,
Your non-binary status,
Your disability,

Yeh- not a tick box exercise - no sirree
Yes but most forms you fill in nowadays ask those questions, sometimes I answer them sometimes I don't. :-)
Got the Club email email about applying to join City Matters. Clicked the link out of curiosity.

Apparently, before applying, it's vital the club know:-
your ethnicity,
your sexual preference,
your non-binary status,
your disability,

Yeah- not a tick box exercise - no sirree.

-Prefer not to say

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