I think I have sussed what the score is with this forum, its the talk sport business model. I assume the income of this forum is based upon advertising revenue, and that advertising revenue is presumably proportional to the number of visitors, number of clicks etc. So just like talk shite, the more controversial stuff on here, the more visitors and the more posts/clicks. So what you get is for instance:-
Mod number 1 de niro goes on and on about how crap Mancini is, people get pissed off and answer his posts, more people come in here etc
Mod number 2 damocles - lots of people in here at the moment due to City' success so let's get them more active by asking serious questions about the ethics of the owners of the Club - more controversy = more visitors = more adverising revenue
Friend of owner = tolmie - posts vague riddles in here, gets loads of people hooked (and I mean loads) - anyone having the temerity to doubt the supposed ITK status of tolmie gets dogs abuse; other friends of tolmie post how accurate tolmie's information is and so everyone believes he is ITK, hence more visitors, and more advertising revenue for Bluemooon
So tell me, which one of you is adrian durham and which one is ronnie fooking irani?
End of conspiracy theory