City player reported to police(Kolorov)

johnbmcr said:
Hamann Pineapple said:
Does anyone know what Kolarov actually said to upset the Albanians ?

Rumours going round he said Norman Wisdom is shit.

brill !!

order of Enver Hoxha 3rd class for comic punditry


adorado30 said:
footballfan2345 said:
Load of shite, nobody speaks albanian in Serbia. On the other hand, only Albanians that speak serbian are the ones from Kosovo. Generally they don't speak serbian well, after all, their grandparents came over the border illegally, breed like rabbits (8+ kids was average for illegals from Albania) never intergrated with the locals and eventually pushed all the others out with their primitive and often criminal behaviour. So, it is highly unlikely that Kolarov shouted abuse at them in Albanian.

Stop talkin shit..8+ kids you say, criminal behaviour ? You sure know alot about them..Alot of them speak Serbian and most likely the words were exchanged in Serbian..

No chance, your average Albanian wouldn't be able to converse in Serbian. Would hazard a guess to say that most Kosovans wouldn't either - had it forced on them in school pre-independence and wouldn't have touched it since the end of the conflict.
Dialogue likely consisted of a combination of a lot of Piçka (pronounced like 'peach' fwiw) and a few Kar!
Albanians do have 8+ children in average in kosovo anyway.... Kolarov was probably provoced and he probably said something back... But all these bosnian muslim dzeko fanboys commenting shit about serbs and serbia are probaly not the most objective ones, saying that kolarov probably said something because of the flag... Why the fk would he pay attention or give a.shit about a flag... He was prbably.provoced, not probably but imo its pretty sure he was provoced...
scout.reporter said:
Albanians do have 8+ children in average in kosovo anyway.... Kolarov was probably provoced and he probably said something back... But all these bosnian muslim dzeko fanboys commenting shit about serbs and serbia are probaly not the most objective ones, saying that kolarov probably said something because of the flag... Why the fk would he pay attention or give a.shit about a flag... He was prbably.provoced, not probably but imo its pretty sure he was provoced...
absolutely no need for this so cut it out
SWP's back said:
cookster said:
SWP's back said:
And if you can read you would probably see she is not a man.

Shouldn't you be on the Balotelli thread defending him?

BTW Jess is both a male and female name. So unless you know the said individual wind your neck in.
Shoudln't you be wanking Dzeko off?
The difference being when Balotelli does well I say so, when he doesn't play, there is not much I can say about him.

And no, Jess is a lady girl.

And you are always welcome to try and wind my neck in for me if you manage to make it to a game petal.

Living just down the road in Droylsden I get to plenty of games, petal.

BTW what's the shit about Dzeko? Show me the details or are you just typing bollocks as usual.
So, a Bosnian, Serbian and an Albanian walk into a bar.

The bartender asks,"Is this some kind of a joke?" ..........
Football is quickly turning into the most watched Soap Opera on the planet, and that is sad.

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