City Players who "never had a bad game"

adammck said:
Joe Hart for me, he makes one or two bad calls but generally higher than average.

Clichy for me - apart from Chelsea away last season, barely put a foot wrong since he joined.

Barry is very consistent too - only problem is that on those rare occasions when he does have a bad game, he tends to be absolutely dire!

Going back to when I was growing up, remember always thinking that Steve McMahon rarely had a bad game (rarely fantastic, but rarely poor) - but that could just be a kind of warped childhood view? Steve Redmond, too?

And we've been pretty blessed with certain keepers - Coton, James, Schmeichel, Hart all very rarely had or have poor games (made up for, of course, by Immel, Margetson, (later) Dibble, Tommy Wright, Burridge, and old man Seaman!)
Colin Hendrie and Stevie Howie were centre halves who were very consistant.

But the most consistent centre half I can ever remember was Sylvain Distin. I think I remember him having once bad game against Wigan and I don't remember any more. A fantastic player, too. One of the tiny number over the last ten years who'd get in our current side (when he was at his peak)
Didsbury Dave said:
Colin Hendrie and Stevie Howie were centre halves who were very consistant.

But the most consistent centre half I can ever remember was Sylvain Distin. I think I remember him having once bad game against Wigan and I don't remember any more. A fantastic player, too. One of the tiny number over the last ten years who'd get in our current side (when he was at his peak)

I liked Distin, but remember him being very prone to either lapses in concentration or unnecessary and dangerous marauding up the pitch leaving us exposed at the back. Dunno if my memory has exaggerated that but don't think I'd put him in the never had a bad game category. Rated him more highly than Dunne though.

I suppose this 'never had a bad game' thing depends on the quality of the player and their role in the team to an extent. Silva, for example, has hardly got any mentions, but I don't think he has 'bad' games, just ones where he's less effective than others. Barry does his job very well and very effectively but isn't required to be a match-winner.
Kinky Dribbler said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Colin Hendrie and Stevie Howie were centre halves who were very consistant.

But the most consistent centre half I can ever remember was Sylvain Distin. I think I remember him having once bad game against Wigan and I don't remember any more. A fantastic player, too. One of the tiny number over the last ten years who'd get in our current side (when he was at his peak)

I liked Distin, but remember him being very prone to either lapses in concentration or unnecessary and dangerous marauding up the pitch leaving us exposed at the back. Dunno if my memory has exaggerated that but don't think I'd put him in the never had a bad game category. Rated him more highly than Dunne though.

I suppose this 'never had a bad game' thing depends on the quality of the player and their role in the team to an extent. Silva, for example, has hardly got any mentions, but I don't think he has 'bad' games, just ones where he's less effective than others. Barry does his job very well and very effectively but isn't required to be a match-winner.

I didn't want the thread to be about ability levels, but about ability to play at "peak" most of the time. Whilst Silva is the most important player in our squad, he has spells where his passes just don't come off.
Of the players in the current squad who would qualify, I would nominate Zaba & Clichy as having rarely had bad games, and although he has only been here a few months I would mention Nastasic.
Of the players in the Joe & Malc era who would qualify, I would nominate Colin Bell & Alan Oakes who never had bad games, and Mike Doyle & Tommy Booth & Dave Watson who rarely had bad games.
Of the players in my early days of standing on the Kippax who would qualify, I would nominate Bert Trautmann & Dave Ewing & Roy Paul.

A more interesting discussion would be players of this and earlier eras who regularly had poor games but who somehow continue getting on the teamsheet, players who are possibly over-worked but more likely over-paid & over-rated; players where the manager (past & present) put too much mis-placed trust into, players who just stayed too long; such as Balo, Kolo, Yaya, Ade, Robinho, Elano, Bridge, RSC, Benjani. Did I forget Balo? no unfortunately I still remember Balo but maybe he'll be gone soon.
truebluetoronto said:
Of the players in the current squad who would qualify, I would nominate Zaba & Clichy as having rarely had bad games, and although he has only been here a few months I would mention Nastasic.
Of the players in the Joe & Malc era who would qualify, I would nominate Colin Bell & Alan Oakes who never had bad games, and Mike Doyle & Tommy Booth & Dave Watson who rarely had bad games.
Of the players in my early days of standing on the Kippax who would qualify, I would nominate Bert Trautmann & Dave Ewing & Roy Paul.

A more interesting discussion would be players of this and earlier eras who regularly had poor games but who somehow continue getting on the teamsheet, players who are possibly over-worked but more likely over-paid & over-rated; players where the manager (past & present) put too much mis-placed trust into, players who just stayed too long; such as Balo, Kolo, Yaya, Ade, Robinho, Elano, Bridge, RSC, Benjani. Did I forget Balo? no unfiortunately I still remember Balo but maybe he'll be gone soon.

Samir fucking Nasri.

The very definition of consistent - consistently under-par.

He's only had two good games for us since he joined.
Spencer Prior - someone told me the other day he was never on the losing side for City, but that can't be right, surely?!!!!

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