City return 1/3 tickets

gunnerpr said:
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
gunnerpr said:
I might have missed it but nobody on here seems to have identified that the reason ticket prices rise (across the country not just arsenal) is fundamentally due to exponential rise in operating costs for the clubs. It seems to be completely lost on you that clubs such as chelsea and yourselves are a huge reason club costs are rising so fast with by pushing wages through the roof.

Case in hand. Theo Walcott. It seems hes going to accept 90k a week at arsenal the latest reports say. However hes been sat there for the past 18months looking at wages at city for example going sort it out arsene I want what they have. So arsenal have had to cave and considerably up his wage. Thats going to be £2mill lost to the club. How can they recuperate these extra costs. By looking at increasing the two largest components of revenue commercial deals and MATCHDAY REVENUE.

Its not a case of "All clubs are guilty" its simply a case of they need to find a way to keep their businesses running and competitive. Take a closer look at yourselves at what you are doing to the football market across europe not just UK.

im not being funny but your club is one of the most financally healthy clubs in the league, you dont have to charge the prices you do. And only your club and a few others charge a 1000 odd quid for season tickets which is ridiculous.

the reason ticket prices have gone up is because of greedy owners and clubs where ticket revenue barely makes a difference to them. As the fsf have said clubs could cut up to 30 quid off a ticket with the amount of tv money they get.

So get off your high horse, arsenal are the worst club in the league by a mile for ripping off fans.

No high horse. You try and find me a single arsenal fan that isnt bitter about how are club is run.

Im skeptical of it being down to greedy owners as well. How many owners in england take dividends out the club? I know for a fact its not done at arsenal. The only way it can be with greedy owners is if they were looking to raise the valuation of the club by having higher revenues.

The reason ticket prices have gone up are because costs have gone up.

2 issues
both point the same way
a) you are right about the Arse fans.. my brother in law , Finchley based life long gooner has been moaning for ages that , with 3 kids he can only take one per week
b) You are charging away fans tcket prices that have now shot you in the foot because we ain't buyin ' em (note my cockerney !! not bad , eh)

some fundemental economics ...

Overprice things and people won't buy

My Brother _IL would be paying for 4 tickets at your spot at slightly lower prices... ergo increased profits with some smart pricing

You have priced yourselves out of the market (perhaps by mixing up the fact that we are a rich club with the fact tht most of our fanbase is anything but rich)
In this second , lazy minded assumption , your club is far from unique
irlamblue70 said:
gunnerpr said:
Bilboblue said:
behave will ya??? Wenger is in the top 2 highest salaried managers in England.

The wages you pay your shitty players is astronomical for how good they are! Sqillaci on 60k a week ffs !!!

Know your own club before you criticise ours.

Bit different when you could pay your players 30k a week and could only afford 10k tho eh? fucking hypocrite.

Clearly my post has gone well over the top of your head.

I disagree mate. I think Bilbo has summed it up quite well. How can you criticise that City are inflating ticket prices when the 'Arse' have been one of the biggest protagonists of paying high transfer fees and extortionate wages going back to the early 90's. Those were the days when you were able to pay players far in excess of what we were able to. Unfortunately the tables have turned and poor old little Gooners like you don't like it. And the duality of that prick Wenger defending his own Austerity budget by not paying over inflated wages when he is the 2nd highest paid manager in world football is frankly comical. Give your head wobble fella.

Irlam.... the point is, while Arsenal try and make out they are run brilliantly, NOT paying huge transfer fees etc. the fact is, they DO pay huge wages to decidedly average players. Squillaci 60k p/w, Koscielny 70k p/w to name but two.

I wonder how much the prolific Chamakh and Planet Head are on?
gunnerpr said:
I might have missed it but nobody on here seems to have identified that the reason ticket prices rise (across the country not just arsenal) is fundamentally due to exponential rise in operating costs for the clubs. It seems to be completely lost on you that clubs such as chelsea and yourselves are a huge reason club costs are rising so fast with by pushing wages through the roof.

Case in hand. Theo Walcott. It seems hes going to accept 90k a week at arsenal the latest reports say. However hes been sat there for the past 18months looking at wages at city for example going sort it out arsene I want what they have. So arsenal have had to cave and considerably up his wage. Thats going to be £2mill lost to the club. How can they recuperate these extra costs. By looking at increasing the two largest components of revenue commercial deals and MATCHDAY REVENUE.

Its not a case of "All clubs are guilty" its simply a case of they need to find a way to keep their businesses running and competitive. Take a closer look at yourselves at what you are doing to the football market across europe not just UK.

Utter bollocks, if your club can't afford to pay your players then you should do what everyone else has to do and sign players you can afford to pay. We've not signed anyone we can't afford yet somehow we're the bad guys.
gunnerpr said:
How can they recuperate these extra costs. By looking at increasing the two largest components of revenue commercial deals and MATCHDAY REVENUE.
Commercial deals are certainly up there, but that is down to each club, and yours does better than ours, as far as I can see.

However clubs need fans, and pricing them out (away fans generally provide the bulk of the atmosphere), will hurt the very thing that brings in the TV revenue, without which the commercial deals would shrink.

Its fine you lot blaming us all the time, but you, chelsea, united, spurs and liverpool started the player wage hike, that has caused these costs, and just because we can now out pay you doesn't suddenly make us guilty, and you innocent, so look closer to home before preaching at us.

All we have done is catch up, we had little choice if we wanted success.

I still don't think that these stupid ticket prices are required, £35 would be more than enough, with all the other revenue streams available, and that is still more than Germany charges their fans, and German teams seem to compete in europe, whilst still having smaller TV, and commercial revenues.
Umm dude Arsenal is run like a fortune 100 and Wenger has the business degree to are all business. Don't come here acting like your club is an example of any good. Arsenal is business first!.

By the way Wenger is the highest paid manager in the Prem.
If I remember correctly, isn't the primary reason Arsenal need so much money is so they can pay off the new stadium? Erm, what part did we play in that?
Every team should boycott arsenal why should anyone pay £62 for it

I thought the royal family would give them enough money as they support them or pay for walcotts contract

The fa should have a ticket price rule where you cant charge more than £35 for a game as £35 for a big game is acceptable but if city were playing someone like wigan then £10
To blame City and Chelsea is quite frankly ridiculous.

I'm sure you were not pointing fingers and crying it's not fair when Arsenal, United and Liverpool jumped into bed with UEFA and the creation of the Champions League giving those clubs at the time a far superior financial advantage over everyone else.

Infact you lot started this way back in 1919 with 'Sir' Henry Norris and his backhanders followed by doubling the wages of Herbert Chapman who left a Huddersfield team that won the league twice in a row to go to Arsenal a team that constantly struggled to avoid relegation.

And to think of the abuse Nasri received form some of your 'fans'.

Also in 1919 United and Liverpool were involved in corruption.....Arsenal, United and Liverpool are what is wrong with football and you always have been.
My solution is to go back to the arrangement where the home club has to give the away club a number of tickets (by agreement) and let the away club sell those for whatever it thinks is reasonable. The away club then has an incentive to price them correctly to maximise its revenue as it's better to sell 2,900 tickets at £45 than 1,900 tickets at £62.

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