City return 1/3 tickets

Its not right to solely blame Arsenal for this as a lot of people seem to be doing. Every club is extorting money from away fans. As has been well publicised, we charged Arsenal £50+. QPR charge ~£50 for our match. Chelsea tickets cost way too much. Look at the bigger picture and things will begin to change.
cleavers said:
Blue Punter said:
Has anyone in the press pointed out that we took 6,000 down there for a midweek Carling Cup game last season when it was £10 a ticket?

That in itself should write the story.
Indeed it should, and it shows why these prices are a farce, and nothing to do with policing/staffing a game, and all about money making.

Same goes for us, able to charge £15 to 6000 Watford fans in the FA Cup, and £51 to 2600 Arsenal fans in the PL.
This has got beyond a joke. Our club and so many more are guilty of extortionate away ticket prices and it has to stop.

This is an opportunity for other fans to stand up against the league, not just opposition clubs but the league as a whole.

Boycotting is the best approach but a virtually impossible approach, it requires a lot of coordination and commitment from very proud and loyal fans, especially considering supporters clubs have to submit their numbers in advance.

As an alternative I have setup a petition to try and cap away tickets at £30. I'm currently trying to drum up support and it's starting to gather momentum and specifically it's spreading further than city fans, maybe we can actually make a difference and bring the nations sport back to the working man.

Any help to spread the word is greatly appreciated.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ague-at-30</a>

On top of this, fellow football fans have set up the following facebook and twitter accounts @awayfanprices

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
cinnamon blue said:
I am going but will be taking banner to tell them what a bunch of twats our feeder club are

good idea with the banner, however I dont think any banners should be a direct dig at arsenal more ticket prices as a whole. Like ajax fans did " 80 quid for a ticket is ridiculous ? wasnt it ?
A start would be for a City to charge all away fans £35 from next season. One club has to get the ball rolling, so why not City? Imagine the positive PR from such a bold move.

Then City could approach clubs who do charge away fans £35 or less and ask them to join the campaign.

Then those clubs could approach clubs that charge say £40-£45 and ask them to reduce their prices to £35 and join the clubs already charging £35.

That would then leave the usual suspects. Pressure would then build from their own fans, other fans, and the media to fall in line.

I fully appreciate things don't always work out, but if the majority of clubs start charging £35 for away tickets, the minority will eventually fall in line.

All City fans should have boycotted this game at Arsenal , not just 1/3 of them ......

if No City fans would have turned up there it would most probably have made the National news headlines , and far more people would have noticed it ....
Until the supporters branches lead a campaign, then there will always be a large City support at away matches, even at £62 a ticket.

It's up to branches to say to their members, sorry we're giving this one a miss. If you still want to go, you'll have to make your own arrangements.

But can you honestly see branches doing that enmasse? Exactly.
A 'Stand Against Modern Football' (@standamf) banner would be very effective, though that is just my opinion. Media focus is on us and on this topic, any visual protest will get in all of the papers. Now is the time to be proactive, before it's too late.
cinnamon blue said:
I am going but will be taking banner to tell them what a bunch of twats our feeder club are

Yet you have paid the £62 quid.

If you feel that strongly ,Why pay?

I could afford it but why should I pay it. My Mrs actually said "Al just go,I know you really enjoy it"..My response was "I do enjoy it but I would rather gIve the kids £20 each THAN GIVE IT THOSE ROBBING BASTARDS"

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