City to be charged for booing Champions League jingle (anthem)

As much as I hate to say it, those who are wanting our owners to go down the human rights and free speech route are asking for something to happen that would leave them open to some quite embarrassing accusations of hypocrisy.

That aside though, uefa are making massive fools of themselves over this. Theyre completely pathetic
As much as I hate to say it, those who are wanting our owners to go down the human rights and free speech route are asking for something to happen that would leave them open to some quite embarrassing accusations of hypocrisy.

That aside though, uefa are making massive fools of themselves over this. Theyre completely pathetic

I love this, and I'm pleased UEFA are taking these steps. It shows how seriously out of touch they are and makes them look like the two-bit Mickey Mouse organisation we know them to be.

Virtually no national journalist (minus Henry Winter) really knew or cared why we were doing it before this morning. Have you seen the headlines today - they all do now. And they all support City on it. A 500k fine to show them up worldwide as utter clowns is a small price to pay.
Brilliant played right into our hands, I was starting to think the booing had gone to far but I'm right back in the booing corner!
I think the poster was on the wind up, and if he got banned for being on the wind up, I've got no problem with that.

The issue the Frank Sinatra raised, and one I agree with, is that you can not punish every CSKA fan for the behaviour of other CSKA fans. It's absolutely ridiculous.

I find it quite astonishing that you think this individual CSKA fan should be obliged to make his personal quest to eradicate racism from his club, and until it is eradicated he has no right to comment on any other matters! I don't think that's very realistic.

The fact is, the guy made absolutely no racist comment, he in no way tried to justify the racist actions of others. In fact, the only reason racism got brought up was because he was a CSKA fan and they have a reputation for being racist. Guilty by association. Stereotyping. It's where mass prejudice / racism comes from.

The German analogy is apt. If a German made a comment about City fans being classless it would be absolutely ridiculous to say "Well some German's are fascists so you've got no room to talk". Exactly the same as it's ridiculous to say to the CSKA fan "Well some CSKA fans are racist so you've got no room to talk".

Judge people on their actions, their deeds. Not on the actions of people who look a bit like them, live near them, or support the same football team as them.

I'm pretty sure this CSKAfan you mee defending would have had different reactions if he had starts his very first comment in this topic like this:
"First of all l am a CSKA fan that despise the racial abuse some of our fans made when we played you". He would than still have had some abuse for saying we should respect the anthem more (an opinion yet a stupid one), but l'm remarks about racial abuse would not have appeared on here. An that is mainly why he got banned and rightly so. But we better leave it like it is. We at least both agree with the rest of Blues about what the UEFA is thinking going after us for booing the CLanthem.
who was the 1st english team to win a domestic trophy and european trophy in the same season , rags, dippers , arse , chavs , spuds , leeds ,? no none of them , it was MCFC , 1971 , League Cup & ECWC , we had 30 odd years in the wilderness , now we are back with a vengeance.
1970 actually, but what's a year between friends?

Finally managed to read through the whole thread, and, in support of most on here, may I say BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

I didn't boo last night, but still managed to hear the UEFA jingle all the way through, despite others making their protests more vocal. Having seen the dictionary definition of the word "disrupt" on here earlier, I cannot therefore agree with UEFA's contention that their jingle WAS disrupted. I heard it loud and clear in it's entirety.

When I went to Barcelona in 2014, one of the main chants was "The Champions League is fucking bent". Nothing, since then, has caused me to disagree with this statement. The latest news merely confirms it.

I really don't know what to do next season, assuming we qualify again, as I am in all the cup schemes. Dependent on the outcome of this latest farce, I may, reluctantly, give it a miss.
Ridiculous Stalinists much? I imagine there will be more booing next time than this. I don't approve of it but Uefa are a bunch of ego-clowns.

fuck 'em!
bunch of cunts from top to bottom.
bring it on, let's show these bent twats exactly what we think of them and their attempts to shackle us.
they obviously don't realise we are the best team in the land and all the world, but they will soon.


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