City v Arsenal Post Match Thread

ColinLee said:
Laurent Koscielny knee, is that bone I can see? That is pure nasty and I still don't know how he managed it.


After the Rooney gash I read somewhere that they are trying to ban the blade type studs which can cause this type of injury.
He appeared to collide with the beast, purely accidental.
no wonder the arseshite fans are so bitter when their mard arse manager cannot praise a team when they get trounced

How he can say that they gave us 5 goals - laughable
Mad game. Could have been 9-6 if both teams had taken all of their chances. Very open game. At times both teams played some great stuff, I reckon the best two sides in this league going forward. Overall we were just better than them in too many areas.

I do worry about our openness and goals conceded about away goals in the next round of the CL. But that's for another day.

Great win!

Arsenal are a bunch of cry babies; players, manager and fans. I fuckin hate em. They're second on my list behind United. Horrible moaning fuckers. I thought they were the classy club?! Lol.

I love beating Arsenal!

Fernandinho was immense. Nasri and Silva were too.

Yaya had a strange game! A bizarre player. Looks like he's just finished a marathon at times and lets the opposition walk past him, then he'll sprint 60m in 7 seconds and set up a chance.

I bet the neutrals loved that game. Onto Fulham. A win there will be bigger than the win in München for me. COME ON YOU BLUES!
@BluePhil8 said:
Real lack of class from Arsenal today.

Their fans have been ringing Talksport/5Live all week giving it large about how they don't fear us.

Now they are saying it should have been 6-6 and that the officials robbed them.

Wilshere sticking his finger up at our fans.

Where is that annoying gunner? Has he posted anything today because I have been sick of reading his smug elitist posts.

Look i have been on and well done to you, . You were better team today and deserved it. we still top though and beat chelsea next week and we don,t face top six team till febuary. So all good still in my world. We at least attacked well.

anyway if you could sort your away form out you would win the league by miles.
give arsenal some credit ,they came to play , and attack the best team in the premiership , some would say foolhardy , but it gave us a brilliant game of football . Just tired of these arsenal muppets complaining about offsides and penalties when they have been given a football lesson , suck it up gooners and take it on the chin , your team isnt on the same planet , and never will be until you invest the £100m youve got in the bank into your football team .
How lucky are we, watching this city team , simply irresistible football , we will probably play a reserve team at leicester , and i cant wait.
AdamoTheGreat said:
Sergio Aguero has posted this.

Gran compromiso de todo el equipo para un partido en el que había que ganar si o si. Una importantisima victoria para seguir en la pelea. Gracias a todos por tantos mensajes de aliento. Me harán estudios para determinar el grado de la lesión pero sepan que no voy a aflojar. Lo que lamento es no poder estar para ayudar a mis compañeros dentro de la cancha pero hasta que me recupere alentaré a full desde afuera.

Great commitment from the whole team to a match that we had to win. A vital victory to stay in the race. Thanks for all the support. I’ll get checked to determine the severity of the injury but don’t think I’ll waver. My regret is not to be able to help my team-mates inside the field but until I’m better I’ll support them from the sidelines!

He can come round my house and fuck my sister.

I love him.

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