City v Boro post match

No ruthlessness. Too many inconsistencies, but i suppose the players are knackered. It will take time to get used to the new system, there sill be ups and downs. But ultimately, we need to be ruthless.
Bravo 7
Zabaleta 6
Stones 7
Kolarov 6
Clichy 5
Dinho 5
Silva 6
Gundogan 6
Kdb 7
Aguero 6
Navas 7
I also said it would be a real slog after tuesday,i was surprised pep didn't make better subs when several had run out of steam,it is what it is,i'm just disappointed in our home form and that we keep getting sucker punched,something is not right
I feel your pain and if I'm to be brutally honest, and I'm forever the positive optimist, I agree with you totally on the subs and shutting the door. I was amazed that Kelechi came on instead of Vinny but passified myself by saying it's that attacking philosophy which makes us so entertaining and not the Maureen park two buses tactic. Pep is a perfectionist so let's keep a close eye on future games and see if he changes his tact after he anylises today.
Yeah sorry mate, I wasn't have a dig at you or any preference for Joe to be honest, I was just thinking it would have been hard for any keeper to have made a save in that situation.
Didn't think you were! The team shouldn't have let it get to that stage anyway.
I think you both have a point; however, the fact that we saw teams in my youth that battered all comers at home and were woeful away does not prove that the current lot are not mentally tough enough. The current lot have never proved to me that they have enough mental fortitude to actually stop us being perennial underachievers.
Good point, but you do see what I meant :-)
Again, as with Karen's post, I understand what your saying and the pattern references but ultimately it is simply down to finishing. If we weren't creating 20/30 chances a game and playing shit, disorganised football then I'd agree but we are playing sublime football but we're just not putting the ball in the net.

We are not playing sublime football all the time. Very much in patches.
Second half was disjointed. First half against Southampton was poor. We got 8 corners in the first half today and none in the second and had 18 attempts in the first half conceding none where it was 8-5 in the second half. I thought we were really sloppy after Fernandinho made a really poor pass. For some reason the way the game went seemed to change from then on.

It's still a work in progress but the good thing is we can only get better whereas I think some of the others are already at their peak.

It's going to be an exciting premier league this year.

December is an absolutely crucial month for us and I think we will know what we are looking at by 1 Jan.
Should have been out of sight at half time really.

I work with a Barca season ticket holder and we were talking yesterday about us this season, he thought that we'd have more than a few results like today's and the recent run, it takes time to implement Guardiolas style and some players won't make the cut.

It is setting us up for the long term though and whatever results we have this year, and whoever he decides doesn't fit as a consequence, we have to accept for the long term benefits. I can visibly see every game what he is trying to do and his own frustration with some of the actions, but we are in a position now where our manager is going to be more beneficial to us long term than any player. He could change the system for short term benefits and get instantaneous results. I personally prefer the longer view though and we've actually got more points than I thought we would at this point in our evolution anyway.

I do think we are a few players short still to do exactly what he wants to do.

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