City v Chelsea post match

If we took our gold-plated chances we'd have won, not sure why people are failing to see this. You literally couldn't have asked for more.

I'm genuinely gutted, but that's football. Don't take your chances and you're punished for it. Only made worse that some horrendous refereeing made the difference for them in the end.

Just got back from the game dickhead were you there? You've only been here since fucking May so don't pretend you know whether I liked/disliked Pep's appointment.

Oh dear, ad homenim, seems you've run out of actual arguments.
John stones on radio 5 post match interview. We don't take our chances and they took there's . We are creating our chances but not scoring. That's right john but You might also add that they fucking defended and we didn't.
Not won at home since the 17th September says it all for me.

Team not good enough, we have no defence, rely too much on Aguero for goals and Guardiolia is not a patch on Mancini in my book.

Bravo, good god just stand there on your six yard box and let the opposition have the whole goal to aim at - he is useless.

Of 50 shades to choose from...we get you.. ffs
Im fine with being wrong but on this occasion i aint...if he had nailed it like you say we would have won

here are some examples......

Both Sane and Navas constantly out of position, getting beat in the first half.....both looked terribly out of their depth playing where they were.

Ottomendi - i said it before the match...go back and check if you want - that him vs costa was a problem cause he dives in....both the first goal and the second goal were caused but him...the second by diving in on/near the half way line and getting beat therefore exposing the entire back line, and on the first he gets caught under the ball/allows costa to get goal side and then he cant get back goal covering defenders anywhere near in sight on either occasions.

Kolarov....agan said it before the start of the match.....he cant cop with defending either players running away form him or at him........second goal (I think) and third goal definitely show this...we have seen it lots of times before...If you are going to leave defenders one on one then fine, but Kolarov is shocking in that situation and that was proved very well today. (and again has been in the past)

Now its Pep asking these players to play this way...He clearly says that he wants hi players to be the bet in one vs ones all over the pitch...thats what he requires.......well none of those mentioned can cope with it. Therefore to continue to ask them to do it is wrong and will lead to further problems.......we could potentially have the same problems vs liverpool and Arsenal and that won't suprise me either unless he changes it.

I don't disagree that Luiz should have been sent off - he should have definitely gone without a doubt and you can argue that with 10 men on the pitch the result could have been different. But it didnt happen. Our defenders cannot cope with playing the way Pep wants them to play (hence why Pep was after the other two defenders in the summer) and that lead to all 3 goals.....chae this and it won't the way you want to play WHEN you have the players to do it.

The penalties you talk about...the one against cahill would ave been harsh...yes it hits his arm but no way it is intentional and if that is given against us plenty would complain about injustice. The second penalty you talk about I don't know (I presumer you are talking about the sane one int he first half but i never saw a reply of it so I genuinely have no clue about that one)

If you are right about Pep getting it spot on we will win the league by your reckoning....Ill make a bet with you now that we won't, if he doesn't replace the defenders/chage how we are defending
We'll win the league if we take our chances for sure.

We'd also win the league at a canter with impartial refs.
Because he should be able to do both

He has to find a way of playing that meets the players at his present we aint got the defenders nor the wide players to play the way he wants
Yes we are missing chances and Im not disagreeing with anyone on that point....BUT people are burying their heads in the sand if they think this is our inly problem

Teams are scoring against us at will use the chances we give up are so easy cause our defenders cannot defend one vs one which is what they are being asked to do.....The attacking free flowing football against certain teams who will come and attack us will fail cause it leaves us so exposed that our defenders cant cope...the only one that can is permanently injured so he either changes it or we will continue to struggle/lose matches against the better teams

and Peps barca was built around a player that yo will rarely see the likes of again in Messi. that makes a huge difference when you have him plus ineista and Xavi.....all 3 ar huge better than there counterparts in the team we have at the moment

It's not our 'only' problem. But if wd didn't have it, we would have won every game bar Spurs.

That's plenty for the time being.

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