City V Fulham post match thread

lostmyhouseski said:
great response following what happened at stamford bridge earlier. Even better that we did it without so much as breaking a sweat. Bring on the scum!

We need to up our game by 50% to win on Tuesday.
cleavers said:
Blue Is the Opposite of Blue said:
cleavers said:
12 pages so far, for a 5-0 home win, had we drawn we'd be on 80 pages about now, 150 if they'd nicked a 1-0.
It was routine.
Indeed, we should celebrate the fact then, but too many only want to post negative stuff, which is why there are so few posts.
Of course.

But there was nothing to talk about today as far as the moaning ones are concerned.

Fulham at home is always a flat game; I think they can be excused.
The feed to my PC in NZ was hopeless, at least it worked when we scored but otherwise bloody frustrating, stop/start/stop/stsrt. Wonder if it was due to the bloody awful weather during the game.
Anyway, great win and a couple of special goals. And Martin showed Edin how to do tap-ins.
Went to the game and indeed it was bloody cold, the atmosphere was quite dull but still had a blast and a wonderful day out, also got to know a few fellow blues. But still its summer in here compered to estonia...
RandomJ said:
Why the fuck does Milner not play more for us?! He was great today.

Because Navas, Nasri, Silva, Garcia, Toure and Fernandinho are all better in their respective positions than Milner is in those positions. Milner is a useful squad member and would play more if we regularly fielded five midfielders but he is a jack-of-all trades and master of none type player at City.
OB1 said:
RandomJ said:
Why the fuck does Milner not play more for us?! He was great today.

Because Navas, Nasri, Silva, Garcia, Toure and Fernandinho are all better in their respective positions than Milner is in those positions. Milner is a useful squad member and would play more if we regularly fielded five midfielders but he is a jack-of-all trades and master of none type player at City.

I thought Milner was the biggest problem in the first half. Everything was coming down the right and he was seeing loads of the ball, but kept checking inside and playing safe options. He doesn't open enough doors to be the main creative outlet, and it stymied our flow yesterday. He didn't have a bad game, and as you say, he's a super squad player, but in games where we need to be on the front foot and breaking teams down, he's a lot less useful than games where we need to stop the opposition scoring.
Didsbury Dave said:
OB1 said:
RandomJ said:
Why the fuck does Milner not play more for us?! He was great today.

Because Navas, Nasri, Silva, Garcia, Toure and Fernandinho are all better in their respective positions than Milner is in those positions. Milner is a useful squad member and would play more if we regularly fielded five midfielders but he is a jack-of-all trades and master of none type player at City.

I thought Milner was the biggest problem in the first half. Everything was coming down the right and he was seeing loads of the ball, but kept checking inside and playing safe options. He doesn't open enough doors to be the main creative outlet, and it stymied our flow yesterday. He didn't have a bad game, and as you say, he's a super squad player, but in games where we need to be on the front foot and breaking teams down, he's a lot less useful than games where we need to stop the opposition scoring.
The thing that lets Milner down is his end-product. It's far too rare that there's a killer cross or pass. Shame that as he could be a great player with that.

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