City v Liverpool Post Match

Armaan said:
Is it only me who thinks that our midfield is completely average bar Yaya? This is the reason we looked like shit today, we need a couple of class midfielders in the summer otherwise this shit will continue.

only garcia is average, milner, barry are class
We got a point in a game where we were second best all game, Only good news today is that Kolo and Yaya are coming back.

The league is not lost yet, last season we were eight points behind with 5 games to go, not looking great though.

We are Mancity we will fight till the end.
Re: City 2 Liverpool 2- Post match

Very bad performance by Mancini. Players not looking motivated at all in the tunnel, performing even worse in the start of second half, no tactical answers to dipper's play, and hopeless substitutions - again. Milner MOTM, lucky point.
Awful. Tactically it was a joke from Mancini. Hopefully he will learn from it but doubt it somehow.

Barry, Garcia was simply so weak.Too deep, helping attack zero times, not blocking any long shots. So pair of footballers, I mean Mancini likes slow players but he shouldnt do it in England.Italy maybe.

Creating chances to attackers was always a weak point for City this season (bigger than missing them, which is also a problem), well today we created nothing.

There are very few teams who couldnt beat this Pool in the league at least once.

We played two draws, only with some big blunder for Reina and Skrtel in the Anfield match.
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
Armaan said:
Is it only me who thinks that our midfield is completely average bar Yaya? This is the reason we looked like shit today, we need a couple of class midfielders in the summer otherwise this shit will continue.

only garcia is average, milner, barry are class
I wouldn't say class, decent prem players but technically very limited. Garcia is just dogshit.

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