City v Spurs post match

"What foul play is at work here?!"

Something's afoot.
Nobody is that unlucky.

From Aguero's preposterous first suspension on the eve of the derby, through the reporting of that game as if we'd somehow cheated and onwards, it continues...
The outrageous refereeing v Chelsea (not to mention Fabregas slapping a City player without any media comment or retrospective action from the FA).
Yesterday was an affront to sportsmanship. Sterling should have had a penalty, seconds later there was a clear foul on the halfway line and the ref shooed play on all the way to a well-executed Spurs goal. That was only the lowlight of a dreadfully incompetent/ malicious [delete as appropriate] refereeing performance.

If you want to argue that it's all coincidence, fair enough. Certainly, that's a far more rational perspective than breaking out the tin foil helmets. Thing is though, that as preposterous as it sounds, the evidence is beginning to mount that, for whatever reason, we just aren't getting a fair shake from the game's authorities or its commentators.

My original point remains, though: even fans of other clubs are cocking an eyebrow at the litany of injustices that we are suffering.

It stinks to high heaven. It actually does.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... we've got to consider the possibility that it might we be a duck.
That's absolute fucking shite the line is shite & the picture is shite.

There is a line on the grass which is a yard further toward Spurs' goal than Sterling & the Spurs fullback is stood wrong side of it when the ball is kicked. Nowhere near offside.

Whoever designed that pile of shite fake picture, is a complete twat.

The poster of it joined Blue Moon today and has one post to his name. Safe to say that he's some dullard from Haringey or Edmonton
Agreed. Like Kolarov and Stones he is about as comfortable in possession as you're ever gonna get from a centre half. Part of the judgement thing is born out of a lack of height and power IMO. He's just 6ft - not tall for a centre half by any standards - and as a consequence he's forever trying to get round in front of bigger, stronger forwards, to nick the ball away with either feet or head, and invariably gets rolled when attempting it

He also ends up facing the wrong way jumping for key headers. But yesterday, actually putting in a challenge for the header when Spurs scored would have been a start. He just let them go. I remember Alan Kernaghan doing something similar v fat Micky Quinn & it still winds me up now.

A mistake is a mistake but I can't handle players not even attempting to do their jobs, it's unacceptable.

I wondered at the time why nobody was there but now having seen it on video, it's criminal.
A great performance yesterday but there are a couple of things that I find irritating.
1.) The ball being passed right back as far as Bravo from around the halfway line when there is an opportunity to attack.
2.) Aguero dropping too deep, so that when an attack happens he is not in the correct position to take advantage of a pass into the box.
I hope that these niggles will be addressed as we are at our best when playing off the front foot.
Someone asked if Sterling was offside before the penalty claim. This shows he was. So two wrongs made a right.

i take it you are a Spurs fan Danny?

That fake pic is hilarious btw.
Allegedly Pep wants another meeting with Mike Riley to 'understand' some of the decisions from yesterday (reported in the Fail). If thats true i'm glad that he is putting some pressure on these crooks.

Being a gentleman & treating these wankers with respect, just means we get shit on more.

Pep gets on all right with the pisscan, he did the forward for Pep's biography. He should go out for a meal with the **** & ask him about how he worked it, especially Mike Riley.
With the quality of the Premier league as it is, it takes skill (physical) and a killer instinct (psychological) to score consistently. We've seen what can be done when Aguero has that killer instinct but, for whatever reason, he lacks it right now. For that matter, so so does everyone else. I can t help but that think the Manager plays a role in that.

It's all about confidence. Extra touches taken when not needed. Quicker thought. ie instinct, don't think.
This will re-appear if we keep playing this way.

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