City Vs Arsenal Pre match Discussion Thread

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Piegilles said:
King Geedorah said:
shaiomarali said:
Cazorla's been subbed. He'll be playing against us then?

Hope so- I worry about Walcott, Ramsey and Ozil. Wilshere to a lesser extent.

After tonight, I'd say we have little chance of any kind of result Saturday against you lot at the Etihad
Doubt it will have any effect on our game. Are you talking about the effect on confidence? You must have been relieved when Napoli started passing it sideways. I just knew Dortmund were going to score.
matty barton said:
Piegilles said:
foetus said:
This is the important bit. We've had a history of arrogant arsenal fans on this forum before. I know of at least one arsenal fan on here currently who tends to grind with the majority of our posters. You also have to remember that arsenal fans (not all) have become very bitter towards us since the takeover so the relationship isn't great. I'd steer clear for a couple of days should you happen to win ;)

All clubs have their fair share of arseholes, might I suggest even yours?

I don't have a problem with City. I made the point in an earlier post that given your ups and down over the last 40 years or so and having to endure the success of your Salford neighbours, it would be churlish to begrudge you the success you now have. I think it's good for Manchester to have a rivalry on more level terms.

In my experience, if there is strong animus from Arsenal fans its primarily directed against 'The Dark Side' 3 miles up the road from us and Man Yoo, the latter not so much because of their success, though that grates, but because of the God given right their fans believe they have to constantly dominate English football made worse by the gracelessness and oafish bullying of their previous manager.

In fact, when Aguero scored in the last minute or so to secure the title, I'd say 99% of Arsenal fans applauded and we hugely enjoyed seeing the bemused faces of Rooney, Fergie et al on the pitch at Sunderland after the final whistle made better by the mockery and scorn heaped on them by the home fans.

I'm travelling to Manchester for the game so whatever happens, I won't be around for a day or two afterwards anyway.

That's not really true though. Just because we are guests on a City forum doesn't mean we need to twist facts to ingratiate ourselves.

United are not our natural rivals. It's a club we dislike, but that's about it.

The fans who passionately hate United are generally those who came on board during the early Wenger years. They are ABUs.

When Abramovich arrived and we dropped off the majority considered United a lesser evil than Chelsea, probably because of the sense of humiliation that a club like that, from our own city, was now more successful than us. We dislike United, look down our noses at Chelsea (before and after Abramivich, but for different reasons) and we hate Tottenham.

With City it was a bit more balanced. I'd say 50-50 between those who felt that "at least United are a proper club like us while City are the new Chelski " and those who were pleased that a club with a likable fanbase had pissed on United and Chelski.

This is just plain wrong. You continue to pass off mere assertion and opinion as fact as well as attributing me with views I don't hold.

You claim to support Arsenal home and away but I'm not sure you have ever left your armchair based upon the risible nature of the statements you make.

I think you're a fake.
Piegilles said:
matty barton said:
Piegilles said:
All clubs have their fair share of arseholes, might I suggest even yours?

I don't have a problem with City. I made the point in an earlier post that given your ups and down over the last 40 years or so and having to endure the success of your Salford neighbours, it would be churlish to begrudge you the success you now have. I think it's good for Manchester to have a rivalry on more level terms.

In my experience, if there is strong animus from Arsenal fans its primarily directed against 'The Dark Side' 3 miles up the road from us and Man Yoo, the latter not so much because of their success, though that grates, but because of the God given right their fans believe they have to constantly dominate English football made worse by the gracelessness and oafish bullying of their previous manager.

In fact, when Aguero scored in the last minute or so to secure the title, I'd say 99% of Arsenal fans applauded and we hugely enjoyed seeing the bemused faces of Rooney, Fergie et al on the pitch at Sunderland after the final whistle made better by the mockery and scorn heaped on them by the home fans.

I'm travelling to Manchester for the game so whatever happens, I won't be around for a day or two afterwards anyway.

That's not really true though. Just because we are guests on a City forum doesn't mean we need to twist facts to ingratiate ourselves.

United are not our natural rivals. It's a club we dislike, but that's about it.

The fans who passionately hate United are generally those who came on board during the early Wenger years. They are ABUs.

When Abramovich arrived and we dropped off the majority considered United a lesser evil than Chelsea, probably because of the sense of humiliation that a club like that, from our own city, was now more successful than us. We dislike United, look down our noses at Chelsea (before and after Abramivich, but for different reasons) and we hate Tottenham.

With City it was a bit more balanced. I'd say 50-50 between those who felt that "at least United are a proper club like us while City are the new Chelski " and those who were pleased that a club with a likable fanbase had pissed on United and Chelski.

This is just plain wrong. You continue to pass off mere assertion and opinion as fact as well as attributing me with views I don't hold.

You claim to support Arsenal home and away but I'm not sure you have ever left your armchair based upon the risible nature of the statements you make.

I think you're a fake.
Fuck off to an arsenal website or spacebook and continue that chat, either way you're getting holisticised on Saturday.
aguero93:20 said:
Piegilles said:
matty barton said:
That's not really true though. Just because we are guests on a City forum doesn't mean we need to twist facts to ingratiate ourselves.

United are not our natural rivals. It's a club we dislike, but that's about it.

The fans who passionately hate United are generally those who came on board during the early Wenger years. They are ABUs.

When Abramovich arrived and we dropped off the majority considered United a lesser evil than Chelsea, probably because of the sense of humiliation that a club like that, from our own city, was now more successful than us. We dislike United, look down our noses at Chelsea (before and after Abramivich, but for different reasons) and we hate Tottenham.

With City it was a bit more balanced. I'd say 50-50 between those who felt that "at least United are a proper club like us while City are the new Chelski " and those who were pleased that a club with a likable fanbase had pissed on United and Chelski.

This is just plain wrong. You continue to pass off mere assertion and opinion as fact as well as attributing me with views I don't hold.

You claim to support Arsenal home and away but I'm not sure you have ever left your armchair based upon the risible nature of the statements you make.

I think you're a fake.
Fuck off to an arsenal website or spacebook and continue that chat, either way you're getting holisticised on Saturday.


Hmmmm............literary dumb arse speak?
Piegilles said:
aguero93:20 said:
Piegilles said:
This is just plain wrong. You continue to pass off mere assertion and opinion as fact as well as attributing me with views I don't hold.

You claim to support Arsenal home and away but I'm not sure you have ever left your armchair based upon the risible nature of the statements you make.

I think you're a fake.
Fuck off to an arsenal website or spacebook and continue that chat, either way you're getting holisticised on Saturday.


Hmmmm............literary idiot speak?
Pack it in with this shit
Piegilles said:
aguero93:20 said:
Piegilles said:
This is just plain wrong. You continue to pass off mere assertion and opinion as fact as well as attributing me with views I don't hold.

You claim to support Arsenal home and away but I'm not sure you have ever left your armchair based upon the risible nature of the statements you make.

I think you're a fake.
Fuck off to an arsenal website or spacebook and continue that chat, either way you're getting holisticised on Saturday.


Hmmmm............literary idiot speak?
haven't you heard about the holistic approach?
aguero93:20 said:
Piegilles said:
aguero93:20 said:
Fuck off to an arsenal website or spacebook and continue that chat, either way you're getting holisticised on Saturday.


Hmmmm............literary idiot speak?
haven't you heard about the holistic approach?

I know what holistic means but holisticised is no past participle I know of.

As to Saturday, I've already conceded in an earlier post that we are unlikely to get anything Saturday.

But you build yourselves up and belittle us as much as you like - so much further to fall.
Piegilles said:
aguero93:20 said:
Piegilles said:

Hmmmm............literary idiot speak?
haven't you heard about the holistic approach?

I know what holistic means but holisticised is no past participle I know of.

As to Saturday, I've already conceded in an earlier post that we are unlikely to get anything Saturday.

But you build ourselves up and belittle us as much as you like - so much further to fall.
it means we hammer every over rated team that come to our place, talk 2.30 Saturday if you've the balls to come back
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