City vs Barca - Post Match Thread

skybluecelt1990 said:
sh249 said:
skybluecelt1990 said:
No he didn't! Why dive in and give away what is going to be a stonewall red card and penalty? It's Messi, he's going to score 1-1 with keeper 99.9% of the time, making the challenge is an utterly superfluous act, which just makes it harder on your team for the rest of the match.

Course he did. He didn't dive in to foul, he tried to win the ball, Messi was there a split-second sooner.
Every defender on the planet would have gone for the challenge and not just allowed Messi to walk in and score'

Demichelis will know Messi as well as anyone on the pitch, he would have known he didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the ball off him. Messi was going to score anyway, so why make the situation worse by making an idiotic attempt of a tackle.

Absolutely spot on.

Think of the simple physics of this...Messi is faster than MDM, Messi has head start on MDM, as it stood MDM could not reach ball, will MDM win ball with tackle?

Answer: No way
Citizen of Ottawa said:
BlueMoonz1977 said:
we are the student and they still the tutor

we weren't at full strength and we are still learning especially in the top tier of european football - we met another level tonite and we will learn

Really? I'd say being tutored by European Football Superpowers was over after we got smashed by Bayern then returned to smash them. We are the superpower and they know it. Missing our best player we still took it to Barcelona when down to 10-men. The only other team to beat us recently was Chelsea! Again we were missing key players.

City can win everything because we are one of the greatest teams in the world. Barcelona isn't on another level than us, they're on the same level. I think City realized that today about half way through the second half. Just wait for the 2nd leg.

Disagree Barca and Bayern are on another level - Barca tonight looked to keep the ball its going to be even fucking harder at the Camp Nou

We are some way away from a semi final and miles away from a final and the seeding system only makes matters worse
Sky Sporfs News ‏@SkySporfsNews 17m
BREAKING: Barcelona have appealed against Martín Demichelis' red card as they hope to have him back for the 2nd leg.
nederblue said:
I thought we were totally outplayed. We hardly saw the ball and looked a patch on our normal home form. There were some good performances but collectively it was not good. Say what you want but we are out, il be stunned if we get through. It was also a strange atmosphere in the ground, as fans we need to do our bit. I think we will win two trophies this season and be better in the CL next season. Overall I'm pretty gutted, we should have done better.

Disagree............yes we are probably out but the rest you write is crap
yankcitizen76 said:

yup we were suppose to buy the refs look what happened...........hope the haters are happy now.
We've been outplayed before and that was far from being outplayed. I believe we made mistakes but we will learn and I'm not too gutted other than that second goal which we really could have done without
Bruun said:
Not a single reason to be mad.

This game was well played by City. First 45 minutes, we had them in our pockets! A lousy referee making two crucial mistakes in under 30 seconds changed the game. First the foul on Navas, then the penalty to Messi. Demichelis should have kept cool and just let Hart deal with it instead, but that was a silly decision, which makes our away game much easier without him in the squad.

Hart played well, took the few chances they had, except for the last stupid mistake by Lescott.
Kompany was probably the best player on the pitch, what an inspiration he is for the squad!

I'm sure we can get something out of the game at Camp Nou, if we press high, and i mean very high. Every time they are at the ball we pressure the ball of them and have our full squad ready.

Zabaleta - Kompany - Nastasic - Kolarov
Fernandinho - Yaya
Silva - Agüero - Nasri

0-2 is not the worst. It could have been a lot worse with being 10 men against 11 for 35 minutes.

Lots in your post is good stuff.

But Navas was not fouled. He just lost possession and fell over. After that, their goal was borderline inevitable, and i agree MDM was a pillock. I remember everyone slagging off jonny Evans when he got sent off by tugging Balotellii back in the 6-1 at the swamp. But he was just a kid. MDM should have known better. His one mistake effectively puts us out, whereas a single Messi goal would not have done. It was utterly stupid and very very very very crap from MDM.

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