City vs Barca - Post Match Thread

Now i just feel inside like how Drogba must have felt back in that night.
Barca REALLY are the european rags. When you play against them, you are facing a 12 men opponent.
Yet, the game is still on.
If we manage to have Kun, Silva, Nasri, Fernh and Yaya on pitch at the Camp Nou, then anything can happen.
We "only" need 2 goals to have the rights to play the penalties, nothing we haven't already done before.
Just got back from the pub...

How many Bluemooners have committed suicide so far?


(Big, big shame about the second goal. Frankly I think we showed them too much respect at the start.

I guess we will have to go for it in the return...

I'm not sure they like it "up 'em...)
I said to my son halfway though the second half "this isn't football, it's la liga"

Then I fell asleep
jerseyblue said:
skybluecelt1990 said:
sh249 said:
Course he did. He didn't dive in to foul, he tried to win the ball, Messi was there a split-second sooner.
Every defender on the planet would have gone for the challenge and not just allowed Messi to walk in and score'

Demichelis will know Messi as well as anyone on the pitch, he would have known he didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the ball off him. Messi was going to score anyway, so why make the situation worse by making an idiotic attempt of a tackle.

Absolutely spot on.

Think of the simple physics of this...Messi is faster than MDM, Messi has head start on MDM, as it stood MDM could not reach ball, will MDM win ball with tackle?

Answer: No way

Then why are you 2 geniuses not playing instead then since you know what he should have done so well.
Can we suspend the CoC for 5 minutes please staff ? i want to say something :)
Frustrated yet proud ...but probably more frustrated :(

Not a penalty.
Soft fouls given all night by the ref except when Navas looked to be clipped in the run up to the pen.
Demichelis, not good enough and an idiot - let Messi have a shot FFS, have a little faith in your GK and keep it 11 vs 11.
Lescott not good enough, slow to get over for the 2nd goal and wooden when he finally got there. Too easy.

On the plus side, I'm proud of the performance and effort of the majority of our players, esp. after going down to 10. It wasn't all just effort either, we could have scored a couple in the 2nd half. It's a game where you could have seen Aguero popping up with an equaliser.

Kompany (we really need to give him a worthy partner), Fernandinho, Silva were excellent. As was Nasri when he came on.

I would have been quietly optimistic losing 1-0, but that 2nd goal, man, that was a killer. Mission impossible now, I'm afraid :(
andrewmswift said:
chicagoblues said:
dctid said:
The problem is the ref dont get to see freeze frames he only gets to see it in real time - as soon as that tackle was made i thought pen and red card - quite simply he gave the ref a decision to make and they tend to go Barca way

Blaming the ref is pointless
That is why we have a lines man.

and if UEFA/FIFA weren't totally corrupt, there'd be instant replay for exactly this type of decision
Agreed...instead the ref wanted to be an attention whore .All he had to do was talk on his head set with lines man who I believe wasn't that fat to keep with straight line.
skybluecelt1990 said:
City 0 - Demichelis 1. Their 2nd was undeserved, thought we played bloody well under the circumstances.

Absolutely agree with you, the lads played their hearts out down to 10 men.

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