City vs Barca - Post Match Thread

Re: How do you feel after a defeat like that?

Dunno how I feel. We played well but still lost. Add to that the refs are just blind as fuck
JCB001 said:
remember arthur mann said:
Gelsons Dad said:
and watched messi score? He started 5 yards behind Messi and had no chance of catching him.
Spot on .

And wanker Childs say "how can you not give that as a penalty" when the evidence is right there in front of him .Fucking tosspot

What a prick he is! How can you not give it ? Er er er coz it's outside the box you potato headed clueless fuck pig
chicagoblues said:
dctid said:
chicagoblues said:
yup we were suppose to buy the refs look what happened...........hope the haters are happy now.

The problem is the ref dont get to see freeze frames he only gets to see it in real time - as soon as that tackle was made i thought pen and red card - quite simply he gave the ref a decision to make and they tend to go Barca way

Blaming the ref is pointless
That is why we have a lines man.

and if UEFA/FIFA weren't totally corrupt, there'd be instant replay for exactly this type of decision
Hamann Pineapple said:
Stop moaning. Clear penner.

hahha brilliant !
littlemarkyc said:
cant believe some of the shite im reading on here, some people need to have a word with themselves. the lads put in a great effort today and were unlucky not to score, the sending off changed the game. we obviously didnt boss posession, anyone that is surprised by that needs to learn a bit about football. the second goal is a hammer blow, but its over, with sergio back anything is possible.

Couldn't agree more. People should get a grip. We are learning at this level.
We need a stronger defence -especially left side . How many times did we give the ball away out of defence.
Demi , Clichy and Kolorov all guilty. Proud of the lads tonight. In real time the ref had no choice but give a pen. Only TV replays were not conclusive. outside/inside/on the line of the box. With a bit of luck Negredo might have scored 1 -
Strange that before the match Barca were complaining about the ref . but I think he favoured them.
Cannot see us pulling back 2 goals but I can see us putting in a great display at the Nou Camp maybe even draw.
Referee was giving so many soft free kicks for them.

The problem was, we are a bigger and stronger team than them but we were not allowed to use these attributes. The ref just shut down any physicality in the match. Poor.

That and Demichelis.
just want to flag one thing tonight - and seriously i love Vinny

VK had a massive game, i genuinely thought he kept Messi well in check and marshalled the defence like a true captain.

BUT, he was badly out of position when Navas lost the ball, a slip in concentration, which lead to him playing Messi onside but 4 yards in front of MDM,

MDM had actually played very well until then but he played Messi and co in front of him all game - VKs poor position meant Messi had a 4 yard headstart and the rest is history.

Again, not slating Vinny as he played really well but I want to throw this fact into the mix about the red card.
AntonDonJuan said:
Shirley said:
AntonDonJuan said:
We played better with 10 men


And you
As an experienced defender, which he is, he should have stayed on his feet and let messi go. He chose to slide in as per usual and bring him down. His choice, he chose to bring him down.

He should bring his own joypad out for fifa which every button just makes him slide tackle

He actually had a decent game up until that point but it was a daft decision. If it stayed 1-0 we are still in the game, but it's not and demichelis getting sent off for a stupid tackle he was never going to win is the main reason for that

It was 0-0 when he was sent off.
Carry on searching for a scapegoat.
Just got back from the pub...

How many Bluemooners have committed suicide so far?


(Big, big shame about the second goal. Frankly I think we showed them too much respect at the start.

I guess we will have to go for it in the return...

I'm not sure they like it "up 'em...)

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