City Vs Borussia Dortmund (CL) Post Match Thread

SlightlyDangerous said:
Mancini says on Sky he knows the problem we have and how to put it right, and it's his job to do so.

Thank god![\quote]

Expect a clean sheet and a 4-0 win against Sunderland

If thats the case why didn't he put it right at 7.30 tonight, load of bullshit.

Managers tend to analyse games and performances afterwards... cant do it 15 mins prior to kickoff...
Rascal said:
greasedupdeafguy said:
Dortmund are a good side but we should be beating them,.

Explain why we should?

Have you any idea about were we currently stand in European football or do you just think we should now roll over everyone in our path.
We should beat them if we field the right team / Use the right tactics . Play Tevez behind Aguero , Play Silva at the spot Nasri played today , Play Yaya upfront and then pair Barry / Garcia in defensive midfield . Tevez is UCL quality , Dzeko is an impact sub
Yet another game this season where we can't control the game because of our midfield. Yaya and Garcia doesn't work. Yaya is not a holding midfielder. Nasri the usual waste of space. Hart magnificent,

But yet again the manager changed formation twice. You can't keep doing that every single fucking game.

They pressed us well and we struggle to cope with anyone who does that.

Overall, a poor performance against a good side. And yet another lucky point.
Chippy_boy said:
I cannot understand the drama queens on here saying how shocking we were.

We played quite well. Not brilliant by any means, but not bad. Hart was fantastic and in the first half at least Silva, Nasri, Yaya, Aguero and Dzeko did Ok.

But our opponents were simply outstanding. We met a better side who played out of their skin.

No shame in how we played, nor the result.

Good post in a sea of shite....
SlightlyDangerous said:
Why is Garcia getting a slagging off?....We fell apart when he got injured.

lol, so what was we doing all last season when he wasn't here. There's more to that bad performance than Garcia getting injured.

last season was last season and things happened for a number of reasons, one of them playing with yaya as dm, in a doble pivot with de jong or barry
Its blatently obvious city were going struggle when dortmund decided to push up on the midfield. To over come this the team needs a reference. A playmaker in deep that can see the whole picture in front of him and dictate the game. Dortmund had that in gundogan, who did city have? No one, toure isn't that player and he can't even play in midfield due to stamina issues and his in ability face a proper midfield battle with positioning and and ability to continually recycle the ball, that isn't his game. Garcia isn't that player either, the closest city have come to that sort of player is pizzaro and he's gone.

Problem is in the premier league teams sit of the city midfield so the likes of silva and nasri can turn their man in possession and cause penetration, champions league is a whole different kettle of fish. Mancini did the same with his inter team by having two holders that aren't playmaker and had a front 4 that could turn in possession and create penetration, again coming unstuck in the champions league.

His tactics didn't help either mind starting two strikers upfront giving up the midfield straight away.

I post as outsider so hope my views aren't met with hostility.
Comrade Buka said:
So yeah, let's keep spending massive amounts on new players.

Clearly a better idea than to take a closer look at the man in charge. Mancini couldn't inspire a gay parade.
Are you for real?
teddykgb said:
Completely outclassed, I haven't been this impressed with an opponent since Napoli last season. So many reminders of that game in there today, except in a lot of ways Dortmund were better ... not defending deep and countering, just stood up to us in the midfield, took the ball, and ran away. I have no idea how we drew that, it was completely undeserved. For all the ire pointed at Mancini, i don't think it's about formation or tactics, but it may be about preparation. I've never seen our side so unsure of where the passes were even supposed to be, we looked completely unprepared for them to press the ball in that formation. Truth is I don't know that we have the players to counter what they brought, they simply seemed to be better.

That said, both goals were gifts and both keepers were class. On another night we may bury one of those early chances and the game is entirely different. Nonetheless, our inability to get a handle on that game was worrisome, to say the least. And big credit to Dortmund, that was a hell of a performance.

I agree with this, apart from the totally outclassed bit, we got smashed though make no mistake.
We can counter them also, but i address that below.

I would add regarding them pressing us, we should have a better defensive passing formula in close quarters.
We made nice diamonds and triangles with crisp passing last season, Dortmund pressed hard and we buckled imo.

A lucky point but one i'll take gladly, Rodwell just needs to be a bit more aware and assured with the ball when under a bit of pressure.
I am sure those nerves will go soon though.

I do not like to draw comparisons with utd but i remember them buggers doing this a lot in the cl to teams who dominated, and it made me pretty miffed.

I hope Bobby realizes he needs more clarity on some tactics and setups, especially against such top notch opposition.

We can beat them but we need to be better than we were this evening.
I mentioned it earlier but we need to stop changing the formation.

We need to do what Barca do keep the exact same formation and players together for as long as possible to build momentum. Do not change anything apart from rotating players when needed but make sure the same system is in place.

If we do this we will become such a better team, look at last season we played the same way for a long period of games and won the league with it.

Playing the exact same way all the time means that Rodwell and so on can come in the team and not look out of place as bad as they do now. He won't be a world beater but be far more comfortable.

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