City Vs QPR The Final Game Pre match Thread

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Re: Are you exited and nauseous at the same time, like me.

Good man. Come post any time! Nice city Bristol, by the way.

Bristol South said:
Bristol City here,I wanted to put this as a new topic but it seems I cant!!
Anyway, I want to wish all you City fans the best for Sunday.
Really,really hope you win it,your a club with real fans.
You have had some real lean years( something I know all about!!) and you have stuck with your club through the bad times.
You deserve this and I hope you win it and have a great time celebrating.
I'm sick to death of all these Cornish,Cockney etc etc Man Yoo glory hunting twats, so rub there noses in it :)
All the best from one City fan to another.
I just hope we go at them from the start!! Same team as the last two games and go at these bastards!! Nasri, silva, tevez, yaya, aguero?? I think qpr's defence should be shitting themselves!!! Add Balo or Edin to come on....just got to attack them with the quality we have and we should spend most of the time in their half with possession. It's in our hands and an early goal will get everyone pumping!!
Re: I'm Ready

cyprustavern,i have kept my shit together the last few weeks,but your words(and a few whiskys)have just hit home how close this is ,plus i had a fucking good few nights in the tavern! we can do this !!!!!!!
Our Destiny Awaits!

90 Minutes. Just 90 simple minutes. A short period of time in a long life. Who would have thought that this 90 minutes would have such a profound impact on our future?

We have the opportunity to do something great. Something that only a few get to enjoy. The League Title.

44 years have come and gone since that day in Newcastle. The last time we had the honour of calling ourselves Champions. Most of us weren't even born. It was the days of Colin Bell and Mike Summerbee. The days when Neil Young's left foot would rule the day. Those days are gone, but the memories live bright in our hearts. Now is the time to create new memories.

Now it is our chance. Our destiny awaits us.

We face an opponent on the opposite end of the spectrum. A side who's shoes we were in not long ago. QPR will be fighting for their lives. They are fighting to survive. In this world, in order to be successful, you must be ready to be ruthless. To kill off an opponent swiftly and without conscience. We have friends who play in that side, but we must forget friendships. It is our destiny that is the only thing of importance.

The time is now. There is no tomorrow. There is no next Saturday. Just 90 Minutes seperate us from destiny.

My Blue Mates, it has been an honour and a privilage to waive the Blue Flag and stand shoulder to shoulder with you. To face the rags and destroy them. To defend the badge of the greatest football club in the world.

To quote Gen. Dwight Eisenhower...I did change a small bit of the wording;

"You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of City-loving people everywhere march with you.

Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle hardened. He will fight savagely.

I have full confidence in your courage and devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory!

Good luck! And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking."

This is our time, now go and take it!
anyone else afraid we wont be able to break them down , i just keep thinking of the chelsea and barca game , where barca just cudnt score.
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