City Vs QPR The Final Game Pre match Thread

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Re: We are City...

City will not only beat QPR easy, but hopefully send Clueless down also, Although I have nothing against QPR and think Hughes would walk out on them straight away....

I can't for the life of me, see why any City fan would post a thread to say ALL WILL GO WRONG AND WE WON'T WIN IT,, whether they think that or not..
Re: We are City...

Not a City fan. So everything I say will probably be laughed off this forum. Fine with me. I got into City because I like how they play and the players and also how Sky Blues are so supportive of their team and each other even through the hard times. But the past two days, either a lot of people are going out of their mind or this place has suddenly turned into RagCafe. Because I see a lot of Rag-ish behavior. [E.g. acting arrogrant, cocky, c*ntish].

Sure QPR isn't a good team. But at least give them the dignity of assuming they're not 3rd-rate preschoolers. Not so long ago, City were in their shoes. Struggling against big teams, fighting regulation, and trying to prevail against horrible managers.

That being said, I don't feel like the OP should be getting as much as slack as he's been getting from "True Blues". Is it wrong for him to air his concerns when doing so doesn't degrade or harm anyone? I don't think so. And I applaud him for his cautiousness.

Nothing is over until it's over. And this season is definitely not over. There's still a possibility that City will not beat QPR (knock on wood) and the trophy will go back to Old Trafford (something I'm sure no one wants to see). And I don't think it's bad that others are celebrating, but can't you just wait one week? After all how stupid would you feel for celebrating earlier and the impossible comes to happen? Better to wait it out I think.
Re: We are City...

Michael Corleone said:
I hope I'm wrong but when you've watched city from childhood and got nothing but disappointment, you'd be the same!

And how the fuck are my negative thoughts affecting the outcome at all.

I have watched city since childhood I was born in 82, and I'm not the same. We are playing 4th from bottom QPR. We are top of the league and have just beat 2nd at home and 5th away in our last two game. We are not going to fuck it up now. Any typical city finished when we beat the scum and then stoke in the cup last year. This isn't a typical city team it's a team of winners.
Re: It's going to be 1 Long Week!

Catzilla said:
de niro said:
BLUEMATT23 said:
That's all I can think about and it's only Monday. Every thought all the time!

My heart's pounding, my stomachs turning and I feel sick.

lol same here fella, i just want it over and won, i want to "hear" the silence of the rags.

"The silence of the rags".... Hmmm.... Like it, its got all the makings of a good film title...

I like this too, so I'll while away my spare time in the week working in photoshop on something suitable (to be unveiled only at 5pm Sunday when the results go the way we all want).

I said "when" cause I'm confident. But never cocky 'til it's truly over. Hoping for a summer of, hang on, I don't actually know what you do in a summer after you've won a league - should be fun finding out. Fingers crossed.
Re: We are City...

I'm pretty sure they will score first after we have hit the post about 15 times but we will go on to win.
Re: We are City...

No question we beat QPR for quality everywhere on the pitch and should stuff them 4 or 5 nil but that's not to say we're already celebrating victory. If this season has taught us anything it's that even the most unexpected things can happen.

My champagne is on ice for now. But I'm 90% sure I'll be cracking it open come 4:45 on Sunday. Or as soon as I get home anyway. Up the Blues.......!!!
Re: We are City...

ban-mcfc said:
and in typical bluemoon fashion another BLUE is attacked for suggesting anything other than a city win.

i'm glad you lot are confident because i can't sleep at the moment.

It is only half past six

Michael Corleone said:
. But I'm just saying for our own sake on our biggest match in 44 years just don't give the scum ammo.

Last season and this, we've played some matches that have been our biggest for over a quarter of a century and we came through every fucking one of them
Re: We are City...

off topic but lets have a pitch invasion on monday! show our true colours and what this/players/shieks mean to us and how we appriciate it get loud get proud and get on that fucking pitch mcfc.ok
Re: We are City...

Michael Corleone said:
Balti said:
Michael Corleone said:
Ofcourse I am. I'm currently wearing my green and yellow scarf while I'm typing this. Grow up

Would a draw enable you to revert back to your usual Mancini out theme you clown?

I still think Mancini needs to improve his management but I admit I was wrong about thinking he wasn't a good enough manager.

If you look at what I said, all of it was said after defeats in the heat of the moment when everyone was angry and I got carried away.

But truly you seem like a vile human being, narrow minded, unintelligent and I hope never to have the misfortune of our paths crossing.

I think we all feel the same way about you. You are a miserable pessimist who is now back tracking about Bobby - because you know a lot less about football than you think you know
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