City vs Real Madrid Post match Discussion Thread

mgx.sleck said:
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:

Brilliant display by the players and everyone gave 100% I'm really proud of the team today and we showed we're no pushovers!

Hold on. We can't finish for shite. And defense was poor in the first 15. Fucking A!

Please lets not have Mancini sacked the same way di matteo was. I dnt want us to fall in the path. it would be disastrous.
Game was pretty bad. There was good possession and decent defense at the end. But We can t produce anything. Closest we got was aguero's chance, dam casilllas. Madrid came close too scoring many more too.
Aguero's goal was PK? really, all my non city friends ttly thought it was a DIVE. i have think so.
Please tell me what you guys think?

How many goals do you expect when the second best club in the world put 8 men behind the ball?
mgx.sleck said:
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:

Brilliant display by the players and everyone gave 100% I'm really proud of the team today and we showed we're no pushovers!

Hold on. We can't finish for shite. And defense was poor in the first 15. Fucking A!

Please lets not have Mancini sacked the same way di matteo was. I dnt want us to fall in the path. it would be disastrous.
Game was pretty bad. There was good possession and decent defense at the end. But We can t produce anything. Closest we got was aguero's chance, dam casilllas. Madrid came close too scoring many more too.
Aguero's goal was PK? really, all my non city friends ttly thought it was a DIVE. i have think so.
Please tell me what you guys think?
Good effort on the end, Silva was sensational. I still have no idea what Nasri brings to the team. In a game like tonight I thought he was distinctly average yet again , what does he offer?
moomba said:
amooballer said:
One hart mistake = out of CL.

Hart mistake?
The ball dropped inside the six yard box. He really should have come out for it just as Maicon should have stayed with the man just as Zabaleta shouldn't have drifted that central just as the left side of defense should have pressured the cross.
Pigeonho said:
Proud as fuck. Played well tonight, its just a matter of getting over this apparent inferior complex we have. The more we are in this comp, the more we will progress and its safe to say we are hete to stay. Retain the league and that'd a good season.

Hear, hear.

Inferiority complex sums it up for me - far, far too much respect for them in the first half (first 25 mins especially), looked shit-scared of getting tight and pressing.

Second half we were excellent. When we play with that kind of desire, drive and tempo, and press so much higher up the pitch, there's only a handful of teams that can live with us - and one of them struggled like fuck tonight.
moomba said:
amooballer said:
One hart mistake = out of CL.

Hart mistake?

another person with a strange agenda...just ignore.....

anyone who knows anything about football knows that it was maicons mistake and he nearly made the same mistake in the second half which kompany just got his head to this time as maicon had let his man run off him again!
Just gonna repeat what I said another media-influenced forum:

Ah, well.

For the first 20-30 minutes, we were awful. Passing was all over shop, control was inconsistent and defence was abject - we deserved to be a goal down, maybe 5 or 6.

But then, I think they just thought "fuck it" and proceded to demonstrate the kind of football I know they're capable of. We managed to fight our way back into it, slowly but surely.

Then at half-time, we brought Garcia on for Kolarov (I can understand why he was there, but if he's gonna miscontrol it before he can whip a cross in for Dzeko then he's of no use at this time) and - I've been a big critic of Garcia's, questioning what the hell he brings to the team if he doesn't do what De Jong does as his replacement - he controlled the game just by his positional play. when he did have to make a tackle, it was an easy conservative one. Their tactics or no, we had Real Madrid camped inside their own box at times and if it wasn't for some ill-timed miscontrols in front if net, we could've equalised much earlier.

I enjoyed that. ^_^

Oh, and Mancini out. Booo. Etc. Whole stadium sung his name. He's going nowhere.
mike channon´s windmill said:
Very proud of our efforts tonight - we bossed that white trash for 70 mins and I can tell you in the bar I was in they were shitting it!!!!Play with that intensity and the PL and possibly the double is ours
Why Milner for Kun though?

It worked hand I think he may have been injured, if anything he came too late in hindsight i would put him on for nasri rather than tevez.

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