City Vs Seville Champions League Post Match Thread

I was crazy after that goal.

But don't know what to say about the performance. Sometimes i feel like same old shit in CL now 2 running games 2 unexpected wins. There still something lacking ...

As for the players i will single out two : Managala sometimes he is a calamity with his clearances and Bony, he will need to do better or at least try harder otherwise he is't going to last. From the games i saw kelechi could do the same job. ( with far less salary)
Mangala was really good tonight. Thought him and Otamendi played really well seeing as Sevilla had most of the ball. Mangala made repeated interceptions and I don't remember them having too many clear cut chances despite getting into a lot of dangerous situations.

The fact we won tonight is down to KDB and good defending by Mangala and Otamendi. Navas worth a mention too. The other players kept at it, but a poor performance from most
We definitely used our Monopoly "Get Out Of Jail" Card tonight.
I just couldn`t see a second goal coming and once again at times we were let down by our midfield.It annoys me at times when people criticise our defence,but at times they are put under so much pressure by the midfield not helping out.
I never usually knock Joe but his distribution once again comes under scrutiny and how slow he reacts in trying to set up attacks.He certainly wasn`t at fault for the goal but I do wish he had a bit more of Peter Schmichel about him and release the ball quicker.
Wilf needs to get a grip of his game also but a pleasing three points is better than a kick in the nuts.
And that's another thing, how many times was Hart laughing and joking about tonight? Reminded me of his lack of concentration attitude leading up to him being dropped 2 years ago.

The whole performance was an utter joke tonight, but a joke I didn't find funny in the slightest.
We lacked shape and organisation when we didn't have the ball. A familiar sight in the CL.
The back 4 were organised. Toure off the ball is a joke after the first half an hour. Puts massive pressure on the rest of the midfield and leaves our defence wide open to players running at them, but he is still quality on the ball, and he did well for the equaliser. Overall though I think his days are coming to an end, sadly
I thought it was a cracking game. I bet it was great watching for neutrals.

For all those saying that we were crap, give your heads a fucking wobble. This wasn't Newcastle or Bournemouth; our opponents tonight won the Europa League in each of the last two seasons. Ever since the draw was made, people have been saying what a tough group it is and so it's proving.

I didn't think Kev had his best game for us, but again, we were playing a very good side that knows how to defend and, credit to the lad, his winner was an absolute beauty.

Yaya was anonymous for large parts of the game, especially in the first half, but supplied de Bruyne with a great ball for the winner.

Dinho, Eli and Nic also deserve special mention, as I thought they all played very well. Eli seemed to make umpteen clearances and Dinho broke up numerous attacks.

As the chant goes, "We Fight To The End", and we did.
60/40 to them I'd say.
We didn't deserve to win it, that's for sure.

We play with a nervousness in Europe that's not there in the PL. Admittedly, many of the European teams are of a very good standard, but we still look very tentative.

In possession, we're very good, but against quality teams we struggle when not in possession / winning back the ball. I think this is the number one issue with us - the workrate (and ability) to win the ball back.

We weren't terrible though, despite my negativity, and given some of our injuries, there's plenty to be optimistic about when they return - providing they return in time!

I'd be tempted to play 3-4-2-1 if we could master 3 at the back. Then have 4 workhorses in midfield (Fernandinho, Delph, Fernando and Toure), then Silva, + 1, +striker

The downside here is that with only 2 + 1 upfront, there's going to be some disgruntled forwards. But we're so overrun in midfield by strong opposition, I don't see a way round it.
The Happy Clappers won't like the negativity on here tonight but nobody can sit there and say they thought we were impressive tonight. We look every bit as bang average as we have done in Europe for the last six or seven years.

We haven't improved under Pellegrini (in Europe) despite the spending and regardless of the injuries, we are still lining up better man for man than our opponents, yet we are struggling big time. 4-4-2 isn't helping, but neither is the fact that we don't really know how to press as a team and win the ball back. We press as individuals and once the opposition get past the first phase of the press, we are left in dangerous situations. Defenders are expected to defend 1v1 and it is asking for trouble. The amount of games where we look defensively all over the place, yet our back four seem to have had decent enough games is astounding and highlights a major flaw in our system. Mangala and Otamendi were both good tonight yet somehow we had to rely on their forward missing a few sitters to win the game. There is just a sense of chaos whenever we are attacked. Teams play through us far too easily and if I'm honest, at the highest level, we are an accident waiting to happen.

That said, two late wins shows great character and in reality we probably deserved to beat Juventus. KDB is a big plus, Navas is in good form if a little frustrating, Yaya is playing ok and individually the back four seem ok. Dinho is excellent and we have probably our three most important players to return.

Overall I think we have reached our summit under Pellers. He's done well and we should have enough to win something domestically, but we are a million miles away from competing at the serious end of this competition, and if that hasn't changed over the last two years, it's unlikely to change in the next two. You can't keep playing the same way and wonder why you keep making the same mistakes and having the same level of performance. Delighted with the win, but I still think we are a walking accident while our three most important players are missing.

I think we can paper over the cracks domestically, hopefully emphatically so on Sunday and go on to win the league. But after that, if someone of Pep's calibre becomes available, we have to go for him.
Thought City was pretty bad tonight, but without our backbone - Aguero, Silva, Kompany - it was to be expected. I'm not sure the 4 4 2 is to blame - if Pellegrini had played a 4 5 1 with Sterling open wide and KDB at the middle, I'm not sure if much would have changed. Sterling's space up front was an extra worry for Sevilla, but it did make the team a bit long. Bony is supposed to be pretty good at holding the ball with his back to goal. Didn't do it tonight.

Bony played terrible. I definitely preferred Dzeko, as frustrating a player as he was to watch at times.

Thought Pellegrini was brilliant in taking Bony out, putting Fernando in and releasing Yaya, who had a very very big game. So did Navas.

Against United, I'm not sure what to change. Let's hope Kolarov can play from the start and maybe he can play Yaya as am AM with KDB and Navas behind a lonely Sterling? No Bony?

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