City Vs Seville Champions League Post Match Thread

Posted this before but I didn't do it properly so o thought I should repeat it:

If you're suggesting we drop Yaya, I reckon it won't be any better. Our midfield players have all got weaknesses. None of them is the complete package atm. Suggesting that we play both Ferns may be suicidal. You get the false impression that we'd control the game but it never happens. Newcastle 1st half is a case in point. Off the top of my head I can only remember one match where using 2 Ferns seemed to pay off. You get something but loose something else equally important. It's a bit like wanting to remove your boots because it doesn't allow you run faster when there are spikes all over the place to get through past. If we acknowledge that we don't have a dream CM at, maybe we'd be a little more realistic with our choices regarding who starts and who doesn't. Summary is Fern plus Fern isn't good enough to play in the derby because mentality-wise we'd really come short. This is one of a couple more reasons why I won't start both ahead of Yaya (quite frankly i'll play all three). Did you really expect Yaya to run the whole length of the field? If you did I would say it was an unrealistic expectation and a harsh one on our oldest player in the starting 11. He did what he was supposed to do and when we needed him, boy did he step up. He also assisted the winner. Temper your expectations from Yaya until we get Pogba and play to his strengths when you have the opportunity to do so and youll be glad you did. Navas did a great job but imagine if nobody stepped up the way Yaya did in the build up to the equalizer would you have been content that we were industrous but unable to eke a goal somehow. Give Yaya a break will you?
No of course not, too many people with their head in the sand, what they expect us all to say is..
"Hart was fantastic, the defenders were second to none always there when needed and the organisation and communication was world class, then of course the midfield were there to every 50/50 ball pressing and controlling the midfield not giving the sevilla players a sniff. Up front we were as good as barca, anticipating the through balls and the cross goal passes. And then you have MP who tactically is a genuis in Europe, we all know 4-4-2 is the way forward in europe and we were just unlucky tonight that it didnt come off and we had to rely on a huge huge undeserved slice of luck to run out winners"

Sorry but ive been watching City for 40 years I have every right to be fucked off when they play as shit as they have done tonight, and no wet behind the ear kid is going to tell me otherwise, fucking delusional you sound like fucking Scum fans.

tonight we were dire, no one looked like they really gave a shit and the set up, yet again, nearly cost us, yes we managed to win but it just papers over the cracks no it papers over the fucking huge holes.
And yet you didn't go
Maybe you don't give a shit either?
you realize that all the good chances that Seville got came from the wings... they created little to nothing from the middle... every thing we created came from Yaya... Seville is a top team that is built for cup runs (thus their winning records) they flooded the wings and made Zaba/Sagna look ordinary... i get irked by the bandwagon on Toure's back regardless of what transpired in the actual game... what we did in the past 2 UCL games is similar to what Juventus did to us and every one praised them for only having two chances and putting them away... isn't that what this competition is about: winning... every good chance we had came from Toure... give credit when it is due

They have to get the ball out wide from somewhere and for the most part it wasn't straight up the flanks.

They played through our midfield as if we had 10 men. They were able to dominate that position and play the ball to either their forwards or wide men.

We created nothing like the amount of chances against Juventus as what sevilla done against us tonight. Yeah, you could argue we were a tad hard done by against Juve but Sevilla will feel even more so tonight.
Nope it is people posting their take on the match and not looking at it through fookin blue tinted glasses, that was a piss poor performance and we just got away with it - that's a fact
Yeah we're shit, that's a fact

See it doesn't sound if I know what I'm saying when I write "that's a fact", it doesn't when you say it either
We got away with one there. It's a big win, but we can't keep playing like that in Europe. Or indeed against better teams in the Premier League. A similar performance at Old Trafford and we'll get battered.

Big moment for Pellegrini as a coach. He's hampered by injuries, but we're far too open at the moment. A tactical change is an absolute necessity. If he hopes we can blag it again with the same line-up on Sunday then I'll lose a bit of faith in him. It'd be naive in the extreme to carry on playing that way and hope it comes good.
Posted this before but I didn't do it properly so o thought I should repeat it:

If you're suggesting we drop Yaya, I reckon it won't be any better. Our midfield players have all got weaknesses. None of them is the complete package atm. Suggesting that we play both Ferns may be suicidal. You get the false impression that we'd control the game but it never happens. Newcastle 1st half is a case in point. Off the top of my head I can only remember one match where using 2 Ferns seemed to pay off. You get something but loose something else equally important. It's a bit like wanting to remove your boots because it doesn't allow you run faster when there are spikes all over the place to get through past. If we acknowledge that we don't have a dream CM at, maybe we'd be a little more realistic with our choices regarding who starts and who doesn't. Summary is Fern plus Fern isn't good enough to play in the derby because mentality-wise we'd really come short. This is one of a couple more reasons why I won't start both ahead of Yaya (quite frankly i'll play all three). Did you really expect Yaya to run the whole length of the field? If you did I would say it was an unrealistic expectation and a harsh one on our oldest player in the starting 11. He did what he was supposed to do and when we needed him, boy did he step up. He also assisted the winner. Temper your expectations from Yaya until we get Pogba and play to his strengths when you have the opportunity to do so and youll be glad you did. Navas did a great job but imagine if nobody stepped up the way Yaya did in the build up to the equalizer would you have been content that we were industrous but unable to eke a goal somehow. Give Yaya a break will you?
When we don't have the ball, you have to close the opponents down. And against good teams he is a liability and puts too much pressure on the team. I really hope the manager is big enough to drop him. He'll cost us in the Derby. I'd play the two Ferns or bring Kompany in, but if Toure plays we'll get overrun in the 2nd half and we'll have nothing on the bench to change it.

Still we got through against Sevilla with half the team out so just one more game to go now and then we'll be back in business

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