City Vs Spuds Post Match Discussion thread

So is this the new Balotelli stamp thread?

Anyway I can't get an answer on this as I'm ignorant of how the FA handles these reports. When will we know what's in the match report? Tonight or tomorrow?
jay_mcfc said:
In no way were we poor in the first half. For the first twenty minutes we let Spurs have the ball to see what they could do.

I thought we were poor when we had the ball. I agree we did let them have the ball and they didn't cause us too many problems. But when we went forward there was a lack of sharpness in our passing and not enough movement.
Imo opinion it was a sending off. But it also justice for the barry(v liverpool), balotelli (liverpool) and kompany sendings off.
Top game, very nerve racking and not like city to score in the last minute!<br /><br />-- Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:36 pm --<br /><br />Oh and another thing, 'arrys quote on balo's 'stamp'....'it's not the first time he has done it' Yes it is? I can't remember any balo stamps?
I've seen the 'stamp' from two different angles now and if the FA can retrospectively ban Mario for not stamping on a player, for not looking at said player whilst not stamping on him and for being in the position to not stamp on him because said player made a dangerous two-footed tackle from behind on Mario, then Mario's in serious trouble....
BillyShears said:
jay_mcfc said:
In no way were we poor in the first half. For the first twenty minutes we let Spurs have the ball to see what they could do.

I thought we were poor when we had the ball. I agree we did let them have the ball and they didn't cause us too many problems. But when we went forward there was a lack of sharpness in our passing and not enough movement.

Everything stopped the minute it got near Dzeko.

Can't work the guy out, I'm sure he's better than he's looking at the moment but he plays on his heels like it's a Sunday kick about in the park.
I thought we played well all game just took us till the second half to get going savic a bit shakey but that's tfo be expected from a young cb. well 6pts off the spud will do me
Well done city, thank you for shutting that twat Arry's fat gob.

As for Walker and VDV, screw you as well, you put out your strongest side (inclusive of all players you own) and you came up against a weakened City side and lost, simle as that now F*** off,

Forza City
Rammy Blue said:
BillyShears said:
jay_mcfc said:
In no way were we poor in the first half. For the first twenty minutes we let Spurs have the ball to see what they could do.

I thought we were poor when we had the ball. I agree we did let them have the ball and they didn't cause us too many problems. But when we went forward there was a lack of sharpness in our passing and not enough movement.

Everything stopped the minute it got near Dzeko.

Can't work the guy out, I'm sure he's better than he's looking at the moment but he plays on his heels like it's a Sunday kick about in the park.

The weak link in the attacking chain. Straight swap for RVP in the summer?
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
I've seen the 'stamp' from two different angles now and if the FA can retrospectively ban Mario for not stamping on a player, for not looking at said player whilst not stamping on him and for being in the position to not stamp on him because said player made a dangerous two-footed tackle from behind on Mario, then Mario's in serious trouble....

That evidence sounds damning enough for the FA to ban him after a fairly cursory review of his name and his club

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