City Vs Wolves Post Match Discussion Thread

hertsblue said:
impressedwolf said:
TCIB said:
If Wolves can keep that level up they will not need to worry about relagation imo.

Hope you are right mate, if we finish 17th then we are happy wanderers!

Dont mind Mick or Wolves BUT please, and this goes out to other PL teams also, PLEASE stop the dam annoying cheesy music after you score at home. This is PL, leave that stuff behind in the championship

We dont find the cheesy music that annoying cos we dont hear it much at Molineux lol
after the lord mayors show,didn`t play upto our standards but another 3pts in the bag,a pressure game as the rags and chelski played early so it was a must win game and we did it,barry my motm today,got stuck in after an early yellow card and was popping up here and there...

well done lads,roll on villareal..
impressedwolf said:
Pleased with my boys today, can go away with their heads held high.
I think the result was a fair one, the ref was terrible and im pleased we didnt get hammered by too many.
Our big game is next week against Wigan (different standards for us!)

I dont think you should expect to win by 6 or more every week as teams will "park the bus" against you but its the 3 points that counts more than loads of goals.
Good luck for the rest of the season, i hope you win it in style!

But we could have got 6-7 goals were it not for ur goalie, hennessey...however, there's that obvious penalty we should have got for the "choke-hold", and Stearman should have been sent off for his multiple fouls...
City had to practically win this game through brute-force. The referee was not for you, but against us, and that could have worked in your advantage if you had a few star players in your team..
The FA really needs to take a look at the refereeing standards, and institute some kind of punishment for such biased refereeing...
hertsblue said:
rastus said:
TCIB said:
If Wolves can keep that level up they will not need to worry about relagation imo.

If they have that ref every game they should be a top 4 side

Lol, so true.
Premier League needs good old Mick

Indeed so
Dzeko should of had a pen 1st half,but didnt get it.Hart`s mistake gave them a chance.Ref wasnt as bad as fans making out!brilliant strike from Johnson,we didnt pass the ball as well as we can today,but overall a great 3 points.
That ref was a joke today.. man up ffs this is the prem not kiddie under 10s with mum cheering on with a croissant fucking league.
Tevez City said:
Very important 3 points to keep the gap.

The funny part is the worst two players scored the two goals ( Dzeko and Kolarov )

IMO, Lescott and Barry were the best today.

Do you know why rest of the forum does not take you seriously?

You are one person on this board that keeps slagging your teams BEST SCORER (in all competitions).

Stop being a joke of each thread, man :-)

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