City Vs Wolves Post Match Discussion Thread

mancunial said:
Wish I had kept my mouth shut, I turned to the guy behind me and said he wont be happy till he sends a city player off, 5 secs later off kompany goes, but I really felt that this guy came with an agenda today, was definitely in the alf grey mould, I'm sure this is the same guy who allowed the phantom goal at Bristol a couple of years back, I got the impression he wanted the game to be about him and no one else, but I thought city were brilliant today kept up the pressure, it was a pity dzeko had to be substituted to pacify the ref?

Fuck me thats a blast from the past Alf Twatting Grey, thats the **** the ruined my dream of going to wembley in League cup as well as f.a cup ... he disallowed reeves goal at home in semi and then didnt give bennets as over the line at Anfield in second leg.
Twatwell was almost as bad today, i hate him as much as i hate that Walton ...thank fuck we won ... Barry was head and shoulders above anybody today
Silva, Dzeko and Aguero really should have solved this game in the first 45 minutes. They didn't look as great today despite Aguero causing the first goal, with Silva causing second one, and Dzeko scoring. I think A-Kola was the best player on the field along with Richards.
Re: hart costs City again said:
I think the time has come to drop Hart

this is the third time hart has pushed the ball back into play costing us goals!

he needs to correct this flaw in his game we cannot keep giving away soft goals and today it has cost us the club captain for three games and that will unsettle the defence

Hart is not half as good as he thinks he is and is a big time charlie
another weaver in the making if we are not careful

I know people on here will not like this post but it needs to be said imho

And this, kids, is why you should not do drugs.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Result was fantastic...performance wasn't.
I couldn't go today, and have just watched the sky full game replay, having earlier endured the BBC web commentary, and the match day comments on here from those watching. I must have seen a different game, the one I just watched, we totally dominated, created loads of chances, saw their keeper make 3 brilliant saves, and we should have had a stonewall penalty, it could have been 6 or 7-1. They had 3 or 4 attempts on goal including the penalty, and one of them must have nearly landed in level 2. We played against 12 including Attwell.

I thought we played well, granted we weren't world class today though, I didn't think we had any weak links on the pitch, the subs were spot on, and after Vinny was sent off Hart didn't have a save to make bar the penalty.

It was a hard game, but that is to be expected every week in this league, they played well, we had to break them down, we did, we won easily, and I thought everyone contributed to the win.
Re: hart costs City again

Bunk said: said:
I think the time has come to drop Hart

this is the third time hart has pushed the ball back into play costing us goals!

he needs to correct this flaw in his game we cannot keep giving away soft goals and today it has cost us the club captain for three games and that will unsettle the defence

Hart is not half as good as he thinks he is and is a big time charlie
another weaver in the making if we are not careful

I know people on here will not like this post but it needs to be said imho

And this, kids, is why you should not do drugs.

Agreed. He wont need telling that he made a mistake today but to suggest dropping him is.... basically knee jerkedly stupid.
what were the possession stats for 2nd half? from where i was sat they had the ball more but did nothing with it

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