City's worst manager of all time

hard to say who the worst manager was but i think the worst decision any city manager ever made was K K`s insistance on wasting millions of the clubs money on robbie fowler at a time when his glory days were well and truly up his nose.
blueonblue said:
Numpty hughes without a doubt,

None of the others did anywhere near the damage that c*nt inflicted on the club, and were mostly hampered by cash limits or simply too many poor players left over from the previous manager.

Whilst Hughes wasn't that great in the transfer market, for sheer inability to manage a football team, Alan Ball is the King of Kings.
Ball for me. Fucked up big time.

Must mention Keegan though. Not as the worst manager of all time, but as a decision maker, he was shocking.

His transfer policy was that of an clueless but excited 13 year old on Championship Manager.

- Whenever a player with a reputation became available, he bought them. (eg. Fowler, McManaman, Bosvelt, Reyna, Mills, Tarnat, Seaman)
- Whenever an agent/friend told Keegan about a player, he bought them. (eg. Belmadi, Vuoso, Negouai, Benarbia)
- Whenever a transfer window opened, he bought players. (eg. Sommeil, Sibierski, )
- Whenever he got bored of certain player (who was doing just fine), he sold them. (Jensen, Tiatto, Horlock, Huckerby) and didn't replace them with better players!

I've got nothing against most of those players, (except Fowler & McManaman & Ali Benarbia turned out to be the best buy of his managerial career, no doubt), but they were all bought with little or no idea of how the team would change/adapt/play and explained how shit we were for over a half of the 2003/04 season. Some of his buys were fucking terrible and the team changed so much it became a joke and impossible for us to gain any momentum.

Then we ran out of money and he signed Thatcher (who we wouldn't have needed had he kept Jensen and Tiatto!) and Mills (on a 5 year fucking deal!), got bored/stale and went in February.
after reading this thread.

1st - alan ball.

2nd - mark hughes.

3rd - frank clark.

4th - stuart pearce.

coppell never really managed us.
From what I have seen in the past 20 years.........

Alan Ball was by far the worst but the board at the time was all over the shop also. Still anyone who thinks Buster Phillips would be the first 10M player in the world, clearly needs a lie down and a slice of Battenberg.
BigJoe#1 said:
peoffrey said:
BigJoe#1 said:
Why would bet with you at even money when I could get 4/1 at the Bookies...?? My original statement was get your money on, and yes, I'll take your bet at thise odds.

Sits back and waits for............... ??

I don't want to bring the Bookies in to this. You're too frightened to bet with me and are proving how ignorant you are. I'd take your £100 and buy a round of drinks for everyone in the Pub.

Excuse me?? I am not scared to bet with you just too sensible. Has absolutely nothing to do with "ignorance" (heaven kows where that comes from).

Lets review this at Christmas, you go down and put your £100 on Rangers to stay up probably odds of 4/6 and I'll put my £20 on them to go down. Then we can all be happy.

Still doen't change the fact he is a shit manager and the worst I have seen at city in 43 years of supporting them.

Hey Peoffrey..... PMSL, the man is a joke and they're going down this year... hahahaha

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