CL last 16 draw - Monaco

Been watching City for 60 years, season card holder for over 30, sorry my support does not meet your standards. Being a supporter does not mean we have to think we are better than we actually are.
The point I was trying to make, obviously not very well, is that none of the top teams, Barca, both Madrids and Bayern will be worried about getting us in the draw. If you think we are better than those 4 teams, then great,love your postivitley.

Thanks for your heartfelt apology , your standard of support although admirable in longevity has obviously taken its toll , (and supporting city for decades has taken its toll on many of us) but you stated ANY of the remaining teams would not be concerned about drawing us , so i simply pointed out , you are probably incorrect .Likewise not topping the groups or not beating Celtic , you gloss over the facts . So when i surpass your 60 years (6 years to go, but only 22 of those years as a season ticket holder) i am not as negative as you appear to be. Hope there's a mug of Horlicks waiting for you but its probably only "half full".
Been watching City for 60 years, season card holder for over 30, sorry my support does not meet your standards. Being a supporter does not mean we have to think we are better than we actually are.
The point I was trying to make, obviously not very well, is that none of the top teams, Barca, both Madrids and Bayern will be worried about getting us in the draw. If you think we are better than those 4 teams, then great,love your postivitley.

Who said we were better than them. We may not be in their bracket but we are as close as anyone else which makes us a club they want to avoid.
Thanks for your heartfelt apology , your standard of support although admirable in longevity has obviously taken its toll , (and supporting city for decades has taken its toll on many of us) but you stated ANY of the remaining teams would not be concerned about drawing us , so i simply pointed out , you are probably incorrect .Likewise not topping the groups or not beating Celtic , you gloss over the facts . So when i surpass your 60 years (6 years to go, but only 22 of those years as a season ticket holder) i am not as negative as you appear to be. Hope there's a mug of Horlicks waiting for you but its probably only "half full".

How exactly is not beating Celtic and not topping the group glossing over the facts, surely they are the facts or am I wrong?
Do you really think Barca, the 2 Madrids and Bayern will be trembling about drawing us? If so I really admire your positivity, good to see seniors generating such positivity.
You seem to be one of those fans that have difficulty coping with anything that is not wholly positive about City? Generally I am very positive but not to the extent of thinking we are better than we actually are and have arrived at the top table when we clearly have not, not yet anyway. That's my opinion and I am entitled to have one, as we all are.
If you think we are as good as the aforementioned clubs, then that's lovely and I am really happy for you.
At the risk of annoying you further, it is also my opinion that none of the remaining clubs in the draw will be too concerned about getting us, compared to Barca, the 2 Madrids and Bayern. xx
The point which we are discussing is.....


Your straw-man arguments are embarrassingly obvious.

Not at Celtic Park we did n't. Sorry you get embarrassed by the facts, as City supporter I would expect you to have a thicker skin.
Do n't you just love fans who see everything through rose/blue tinted glasses.
Do you think the players in the home game against Celtic would not have been doing their best to impress Pep?

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