Climate Change is here and man made

I just said bazz climate change is not biodiversity and it isn't.

You have again gone on some tangent when the subject was man's endeavours and its impact on global warming.

As to mans impact on biodiversity that is another matter.

I hope for your sake you don't take your pin up boys to Glasgow and think you will have anybody think well of you.

"Proven" , "intellectual" don't be so bloody vain you will nowhere in life other than impressing the vain on occasion until the cancel you.

Just fuck off mate, you sound like a total whopper.
So not only producing more, but polluting more by exporting the stuff.
Supply and demand TMT , as I said we need to reduce the footprint but China and many other countries love the stuff and they need it to increase the standard of living of the masses.

have you ever been to India and cooked inside for a number of years using dung?

Your fine on your PC and nuclear energy allowing you to keep your laptop on to reply but billions cannot.
Just fuck off mate, you sound like a total whopper.
I thought you were finishing the matter , nasty temper you have bazz , I can't see you achieving much in Glasgow especially when your enemies congregate.

You negotiation skills need some brushing up on , a bit like Trump you leftie.

Not long before your true nature surfaces.

is manchester33 your brother ?
I just said bazz climate change is not biodiversity and it isn't.

You have again gone on some tangent when the subject was man's endeavours and its impact on global warming.

As to mans impact on biodiversity that is another matter.

I hope for your sake you don't take your pin up boys to Glasgow and think you will have anybody think well of you.

"Proven" , "intellectual" don't be so bloody vain you will nowhere in life other than impressing the vain on occasion until the cancel you.
They aren't mutually exclusive. Climate change has a measurable effect on biodiversity. The less local crops we are able to grow locally the more we have to import, which in turn effect climate change, which in turn... you guessed it effects biodiversity.
You must be kidding. You cannot turn the TV on without someone banging on about it. It's absolutely wall-to-wall and incessant. It actually makes me wonder (seriously) if there is some government agenda to influence the BBC or something. It's hard to understand otherwise why pretty much everyone who ever appears on the TV feels the need to be a personal climate change evangelist and campaigner. A subject 99% of them know fuck all about.
That’s an exaggeration. There’s maybe half a dozen programmes made on the topic a year, they might be repeated a few times a month, and it’s well down the list of coverage that any news outlet gives it compared to even things like the Royal Family or celebrity gossip.
Sea levels rises are delayed onset. The rises are increasing exponentially (from between 1.2mm - 1.7mm per year in the 1990s, to 3.4mm per year in 2016. It's expected that sea levels will rise around 2.3m for each degree celsius that climate change warms the planet (which is already 1 degree warmer - unlikely we'll keep it below 2 degrees).

Trees are being planted around the world which is great, but major rainforests like the Amazon, Congo and Borneo are still being deforested to the detriment of local eco-systems. It's proven that recently planted forests lack the biodiversity that ancient forests possess. Which is why deforestation needs to be curbed immediately.

You're WUMing surely?

Animals of the Polar Ice Caps | (

This is a good website for facts and definitely worth a watch: SEASPIRACY | Netflix | OFFICIAL WEBSITE

Another poster replied with some science about this. Pesticides are very bad for the environment too.

It's likely we will 'manage' with climate change, but it's obviously going to be an 'unmitigated catastrophe'. I think you need to take the blinkers off if you think it will be anything other than a catastrophe. The standard of living across the globe is about the plummet. There will be suffering on a scale we've never seen before due to climate change. Vastly populated areas of the globe are going to be unable to sustain their current populations, which will lead to huge migration - we saw the crisis Syria caused, now imagine that but with swathes of the population of Bangladesh and India... We might 'manage' but it's hardly something to shrug off (as you're doing).

It's only just started and we're seeing unprecedented wild-fires, hurricanes, floods, droughts, famine. More and more ecosystems will collapse which might not be devastating for the average human, but we still have a moral obligation to try and prevent it. The reason I don't have room for differing opinions is that the differing opinion is blatantly wrong. All the scientists studying climate change are in agreement.

It's always the same morons who have a conspiracy theory on everything. If it's not COVID being designed in a lab, it's micro-chips, new world order or some other bullshit that they obsess over. They pedal their bullshit like that poster is doing and recruit more idiots to their cause.
Where did covid start?

interested in your views China's CCP said it was introduced from the American military.

of course if it didn't start in Wuhan you would know where it did.

the jury is still out on when and how and that is not good if want better responses to the next one.

You and Greta would make a good couple.

Joe is still asking to find out as are most of the western leaders the same ones who claim Australia is floundering on climate change but never say so when they meet up ala G7 .
No we are way behind , China , the USA , India , Indonesia and just ahead of Russia but our quality is much better and far more efficient in generating the needs of electricity generation that some of these countries need.
That’s an exaggeration. There’s maybe half a dozen programmes made on the topic a year, they might be repeated a few times a month, and it’s well down the list of coverage that any news outlet gives it compared to even things like the Royal Family or celebrity gossip.
BBC have an hour each day dedicated to it.

Do the BBC have an hour on the Queen day in day out.

I admit much of the world have it low on the order of things like education , family , economy , pandemic , etc but it gets a good go.

Part of its lack of traction is the fact the agenda is mainly dominated by alarmists and good sensible discussion some of which we have had tonight is drowned.
Where did covid start?

interested in your views China's CCP said it was introduced from the American military.

of course if it didn't start in Wuhan you would know where it did.

the jury is still out on when and how and that is not good if want better responses to the next one.

You and Greta would make a good couple.

Joe is still asking to find out as are most of the western leaders the same ones who claim Australia is floundering on climate change but never say so when they meet up ala G7 .
Irrelevant to the subject at hand. The reference was merely made to highlight conspiracy theories which are seriously detrimental to any sensible discussion on this subject.
If your point was that different countries will move at different speeds, then I agree. That’s historic fact, the stated intentions of nations, and also codified in the Paris agreement.
Government intentions mean nothing to me mate, you can almost guarantee a government target never gets met. Just a delaying tactic, fiddle around the edges claim they are trying, they can live a nice life, pass it on to someone else and be judged when they’re pushing up daises.

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