Climate Change is here and man made

For perspective, by 3 inches in the last 30 years.
Sea levels rises are delayed onset. The rises are increasing exponentially (from between 1.2mm - 1.7mm per year in the 1990s, to 3.4mm per year in 2016. It's expected that sea levels will rise around 2.3m for each degree celsius that climate change warms the planet (which is already 1 degree warmer - unlikely we'll keep it below 2 degrees).
Deforestation has been slowing and maybe even reversed.
Trees are being planted around the world which is great, but major rainforests like the Amazon, Congo and Borneo are still being deforested to the detriment of local eco-systems. It's proven that recently planted forests lack the biodiversity that ancient forests possess. Which is why deforestation needs to be curbed immediately.
What eco-systems exist on ice sheets?
You're WUMing surely?

Animals of the Polar Ice Caps | (

True about over-fishing. I have no idea if your extrapolation is correct, but it is concerning to say the least.
This is a good website for facts and definitely worth a watch: SEASPIRACY | Netflix | OFFICIAL WEBSITE

Just random doom-mongering, or based on any actual science or evidence?
Another poster replied with some science about this. Pesticides are very bad for the environment too.
I don't recall him pretenting nothing's happening. Seems to me people like you are only happy if everyone is totally onboard with it being an unmitigated catastrophe, and who has no room for opinions which differ in thinking we will actually manage.
It's likely we will 'manage' with climate change, but it's obviously going to be an 'unmitigated catastrophe'. I think you need to take the blinkers off if you think it will be anything other than a catastrophe. The standard of living across the globe is about the plummet. There will be suffering on a scale we've never seen before due to climate change. Vastly populated areas of the globe are going to be unable to sustain their current populations, which will lead to huge migration - we saw the crisis Syria caused, now imagine that but with swathes of the population of Bangladesh and India... We might 'manage' but it's hardly something to shrug off (as you're doing).

It's only just started and we're seeing unprecedented wild-fires, hurricanes, floods, droughts, famine. More and more ecosystems will collapse which might not be devastating for the average human, but we still have a moral obligation to try and prevent it. The reason I don't have room for differing opinions is that the differing opinion is blatantly wrong. All the scientists studying climate change are in agreement.

It's always the same morons who have a conspiracy theory on everything. If it's not COVID being designed in a lab, it's micro-chips, new world order or some other bullshit that they obsess over. They pedal their bullshit like that poster is doing and recruit more idiots to their cause.
Thanks but it was the "mass crop failure within the next 100 years" comment I was querying.
There's a current reasoning that due to ongoing soil degradation, food production will start to fail within the next hundred years.

not sure where the data comes from, but even Clarkson (in his series Clarksons Farm) makes mention of it. Something along the lines of 'UK farmland only being able to support approx 70 more harvests'

There's a program called 'Kiss the Ground' (on netflix) narrated by Woody Harrelson which is a half decent watch about he importance of soils etc
It's well documented what Australia should be doing, I don't need to give you a play by play.

Almost every other western ally of Australia has said you are not doing anywhere near enough. Don't sugar coat it.
OK so you would do nothing then other than spout its obvious what MUST BE done to save the planet and leave it to others.

Fair enough I thought so , you are a one trick pony.

You wouldn't have the courage to shut down 90 per cent of the world's energy generation.

You should read some of Al Gore's climate science advisor and that of Obama material.

Al Gore by the way whose footprint alone goes close my suburbs CO2 emission and still does.

John Kerry spouting to the CCP with his footprint give me a break they laugh at him and go on doing what they must do.

We are closing coal power fire stations as they reach their use by date and not building new ones like many countires are.

Do you suggest we kill all our cows and sheep and feed the newbies on goats milk?

Do we stop growing crops and starve ourselves to death that would help with climate change or would it as we decompose.

How about we start eating insects would you like that for your complete diet.

Keep following Greta on her twitter feed is a Co2 generation bombshell.

Sugar coat give me a break.
There's a current reasoning that due to ongoing soil degradation, food production will start to fail within the next hundred years.

not sure where the data comes from, but even Clarkson (in his series Clarksons Farm) makes mention of it. Something along the lines of 'UK farmland only being able to support approx 70 more harvests'

There's a program called 'Kiss the Ground' (on netflix) narrated by Woody Harrelson which is a half decent watch about he importance of soils etc
Also… not a massive fan of Monbiot but on this stuff he is very good, and he does link to his sources:
It's likely we will 'manage' with climate change, but it's obviously going to be an 'unmitigated catastrophe'. I think you need to take the blinkers off if you think it will be anything other than a catastrophe. The standard of living across the globe is about the plummet. There will be suffering on a scale we've never seen before due to climate change. Vastly populated areas of the globe are going to be unable to sustain their current populations, which will lead to huge migration - we saw the crisis Syria caused, now imagine that but with swathes of the population of Bangladesh and India... We might 'manage' but it's hardly something to shrug off (as you're doing).
You started well and then just spiralled down into this pit of absolute tripe. "Standard of living across the globe is about to plummet"??? FFS what complete nonsense. I won't even bother commenting the rest of the nonsense.

But heck, believe what you like. What you believe WILL MAKE FUCK ALL DIFFERENCE. So carry on, if it makes you feel worse.

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