Climate Change is here and man made

Yeah and I am pointing out to you that the reason we are in this mess, is because people like you try and downplay the situation to try and buck the overall greater picture. 'Oh but between 45 and 75 temps went down', is totally irrelvant to the broader picture considering the increase in greenhouse gas emissions since 1975.
What mess are we in Bazz just to clarify?

If you start blaming the likes of Chippy for this mess I suggest you have lost the plot.

you make some sense but seriously are you a big fan of Greta and her alarmism.

See if you can convince China to go to net zero by 2040 and be around when they do and I will start to take some of your assertions a bit more seriously.

Blaming politicians achieves little my friend but you will learn that as you get older.

Just do you bit , we can certainly do much better than Paris while the rest of the world get on with health , education and the poor in the world who quite frankly have much more on their plate to pardon the pun than climate change.

For the majority of the world in the land of the living climate change ranks pretty low in truth.

I wonder how much the global temperature will actually drop if we implement Paris not that we ever will but lets say we do.

I reckon it will be much less than you do.

Some say as little as 0.2 degrees and what are the actual benefits I wonder.

I don't like treaties that make the rich richer and poor poorer.
At no point did I state China were blind or unwilling to act.

My point re China was that there is little point in a relatively tiny emitter like the UK moving quicker at great expense, as it has little impact on global emissions. The UK has made good progress so far, and getting to carbon neutral by 2050 is good enough given the current international framework. If we can persuade China to end emissions sooner on the basis of the UK also bringing forward its date then that would be good, but I don’t see it happening.

Unilateral action would be a meaningless gesture, which would arguably damage the world as economic activity would shift to higher emission nations.

China has stated its emissions will continue to rise up to 2030, but after that it aims to be carbon neutral by 2060. To achieve that end goal will require even more investment than the levels you’ve highlighted but as it is a command economy they can probably do it.

Utter horseshit I’m afraid no one is suggesting unilateral action and it isn’t happening that way, this is a race where who gets there last is just as important as who gets their first, but someone must get their first. Are you suggesting that no small or medium country should ever set the way or make a breakthrough in anything? Countries follow the success of others, it’s a fluid process and countries will copy others achievements.

It’s also a local issue it’s the enviroment you live in and what your children and grand children live in. We fuck up our own space outside of global warning.

Of course it’s more convenient to pass it off to China so you needn’t be inconvenienced by it all.
At no point did I state China were blind or unwilling to act.

My point re China was that there is little point in a relatively tiny emitter like the UK moving quicker at great expense, as it has little impact on global emissions. The UK has made good progress so far, and getting to carbon neutral by 2050 is good enough given the current international framework. If we can persuade China to end emissions sooner on the basis of the UK also bringing forward its date then that would be good, but I don’t see it happening.

Unilateral action would be a meaningless gesture, which would arguably damage the world as economic activity would shift to higher emission nations.

China has stated its emissions will continue to rise up to 2030, but after that it aims to be carbon neutral by 2060. To achieve that end goal will require even more investment than the levels you’ve highlighted but as it is a command economy they can probably do it.

Sorry mate, was replying to Bob more than yourself.

Obvs goes without saying that it's the most populous countries that need to change to see the most significant impact on global figures, but it might be the collective impact of smaller nations like ourselves that persuade the bigger nations of the economic viability of going green. The state we're in, there's no harm in accelerating our own efforts. Worst thing is to do nothing.
If you'd read my post history you'd have a greater understanding of what "doing my bit is".

I'll heading to Glasgow in November for a start with XR and Animal Rebellion to be heavily involved in a lot of the organisation of the protests.

Mate, none of us want to be negative - but we are fighting for something bigger than a of us here. If you want to be optimistic all power to you - but it's clear to most of us nowhere near enough is being done and the public has to put more pressure on government. I think it's naive to say there will be "less disease" when most scientists predict the next pandemic to be closer between drinks between the last few and that is in a large part due to how much we are encroaching on nature.
Don't start the covid v climate change link but if you wish to good luck convincing Glasgow.
Very true, and as a bit of context: if the UK ended all emissions today, in about two years Chinese emissions would’ve increased enough to offset all the benefit, based on their current trend.
Try 2 weeks (LOL) , does anybody believe their deaths from covid figures to date.
What mess are we in Bazz just to clarify?

If you start blaming the likes of Chippy for this mess I suggest you have lost the plot.

you make some sense but seriously are you a big fan of Greta and her alarmism.

See if you can convince China to go to net zero by 2040 and be around when they do and I will start to take some of your assertions a bit more seriously.

Blaming politicians achieves little my friend but you will learn that as you get older.

Just do you bit , we can certainly do much better than Paris while the rest of the world get on with health , education and the poor in the world who quite frankly have much more on their plate to pardon the pun than climate change.

For the majority of the world in the land of the living climate change ranks pretty low in truth.

I wonder how much the global temperature will actually drop if we implement Paris not that we ever will but lets say we do.

I reckon it will be much less than you do.

Some say as little as 0.2 degrees and what are the actual benefits I wonder.

I don't like treaties that make the rich richer and poor poorer.

Not being ageist, but you can probably deduce the rough age from some of the posters based on comments like the above.
Covid Vs climate change ? What you on about?

The two are linked you nugget.
I mean linking the actual event of the leaking of the virus from a Wuhan lab to a pandemic and the climate.

the climate has probably cooled a bit and got a bit greener during the pandemic according to satellite technology although there are numerous factors pushing and pulling to take into account.

What do you think about pandemics Bazz do they increase global warming or not?

how was the climate warming when we had the plague due to "man made" emissions.
Utter horseshit I’m afraid no one is suggesting unilateral action and it isn’t happening that way, this is a race where who gets there last is just as important as who gets their first, but someone must get their first. Are you suggesting that no small or medium country should ever set the way or make a breakthrough in anything? Countries follow the success of others, it’s a fluid process and countries will copy others achievements.

It’s also a local issue it’s the enviroment you live in and what your children and grand children live in. We fuck up our own space outside of global warning.

Of course it’s more convenient to pass it off to China so you needn’t be inconvenienced by it all.
No, you’ve misrepresented my point again. As I clearly stated, all nations should undertake to meet their obligations. As I’ve also stated, the slowest moving of the current major emitting nations is China (for the valid reason they are behind in their development). So using international agreements to make them and others move more quickly is more important than panic driven unilateralism.

You say no one is arguing for unilateral action but you yourself say “Are you suggesting that no small or medium country should ever set the way” - that is clearly a call for unilateral action.

Overall, it is a good thing that nations like the UK are leading the way on this but not let’s kid ourselves that such examples will automatically change the behaviour of the rest of the world without some concrete agreements in place.

Agree about making the local environment better, but this thread isn’t about that.

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