Climate Change is here and man made

I think that's too simplistic, Bob. I don't know of anyone who is a denialist to the extent that they deny there is no climate change and nothing should be done. I am sure there are a few who believe that, but like 99.99% of people - me included - recognise it is an issue and that steps must be taken. And I agree with you, you'd have to be a bit of lunatic to favour pumping out more pollution. Only lunatics would support such an idea.

But it is more nuanced and it's important to avoid knee-jerk reactions. Is cutting down rainforest in order to grow crops to make bio-diesel a good idea? How about the immeasurable damage to the environment being done in order to extract lithium for the huge demand for lithium car batteries?

Again, that’s just fatalism. No point doing x to solve y, because x also has issues. Can x be done safer, better? Is the effect of x less damaging long term than y, giving us more time to sort the issues?

As for 99.9% agreeing it’s an issue, then why do we end up with around half of all Tory MPs thinking it’s not an issue? Bad luck?
What do you propose he do regarding climate change and Co2 emissions in the three years he has been in the job?

Anything at all would be a start...

Or how about not turning up to parliament with a fucking lump of coal.
Future pandemics will pass from animals to us. It's really not hard to understand that out future actions will dictate this.
corona virus came out of a lab in Wuhan, if not it was pretty convenient timing when USA and China were embroiled in a trade war and USA tried to enforce sanctions on them. China have clearly won that battle and screwed most other countries globally in the process
Again, that’s just fatalism. No point doing x to solve y, because x also has issues. Can x be done safer, better? Is the effect of x less damaging long term than y, giving us more time to sort the issues?

As for 99.9% agreeing it’s an issue, then why do we end up with around half of all Tory MPs thinking it’s not an issue? Bad luck?
The latter about Tory MP's is precisely the problem, you have people who did classics at Oxford or ex-journalists deciding the fate of our energy policy. Matt Hancock was an economist responsible for public health policy in a pandemic, is it any wonder it went tits up?

Our politics (on all sides) generally represents the most unqualified people you could find who find themselves rather bizarrely in charge of running the most important machine that we have.
Yep, and China is already the biggest investor in renewable energy. Granted they're also burning through fossil fuels, but it's not like they're blind to reality.

At no point did I state China were blind or unwilling to act.

My point re China was that there is little point in a relatively tiny emitter like the UK moving quicker at great expense, as it has little impact on global emissions. The UK has made good progress so far, and getting to carbon neutral by 2050 is good enough given the current international framework. If we can persuade China to end emissions sooner on the basis of the UK also bringing forward its date then that would be good, but I don’t see it happening.

Unilateral action would be a meaningless gesture, which would arguably damage the world as economic activity would shift to higher emission nations.

China has stated its emissions will continue to rise up to 2030, but after that it aims to be carbon neutral by 2060. To achieve that end goal will require even more investment than the levels you’ve highlighted but as it is a command economy they can probably do it.
corona virus came out of a lab in Wuhan, if not it was pretty convenient timing when USA and China were embroiled in a trade war and USA tried to enforce sanctions on them. China have clearly won that battle and screwed most other countries globally in the process

Actually if you looked into it properly, you will see that Chinas economy is now struggling and coronavirus cases are on the rise there, whilst the US's economy is doing well. So your just factually incorrect.
Actually if you looked into it properly, you will see that Chinas economy is now struggling and coronavirus cases are on the rise there, whilst the US's economy is doing well. So your just factually incorrect.


2020 projected GDP growth: 1.8%
2021 protection: 8%

According to the OECD, China is the only G20 country which will see a growth in GDP in 2020, an amazing feat given it was the first nation hit by the Covid-19 pandemic.

‘A sharper-than-expected recovery took place in China, with activity returning quickly to pre-pandemic levels by the end of the second quarter, fuelled by strong infrastructure investment,’ the OECD said.


2020 projected GDP growth: -3.8%
2021 protection: 4%

The US has suffered the worst numbers of recorded deaths of Covid-19, with 195,000 deaths according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its economy has also taken a substantial hit too, with unemployment at 8.4% in August.

However the OECD said the Federal Reserve’s signalling towards a softer approach to inflation handling, alongside a depreciation of the
Well first of all mate, do try to quote the right person. I didn't make the comment about the barrier reef.

And second, I'd suggest having done a degree in atmospheric physics I probably know a bit more about it than you imagine. And BTW, temperatures have not been rising year on year since 1910, so there's nothing for me to not understand there. From around 1945 to 1975 - 30 years not being exactly insignificant - there was an overall downward trend. It will be interesting to see the commentary when we have the next such reversal. I wonder if it will be like the period from the late 90's to around 2008 when global warming unexpectedly and inexplicably paused, but no-one mentioned it and just whistled and looked upwards and sideways.
As I said to bazz which all those who in meteorology would consent to is that the thirty year moving average is now lower than it was 30 years ago.

I remember the documentaries in the late seventies saying we were on the path to our next ice age which of course we are.

Confusing temperature and climate is a mistake many like Bazz often make.

Again their are well known benefits to the warming of the climate as the IPCC report acknowledges.

the links of temperature to events are complex and still not fully understood and may never be.

I commend Bazz's passion put his conclusions are misplaced and history shows modelling and actuality is rarely on a par.

Our so called experts said over 100k would die of covid in Australia even if we locked down at the earliest opportunity.

The latest report of some substance said we have prevented 4000 cases by locking down Sydney over the past 7 weeks.

Personally I reckon that is way too conservative but that on current figures translates to 16 extra deaths at a cost of billions a week to the economy and the massive impost to public health both mental and physical , divorce rates , business , missed cancer screens , and the massive impost on livelihoods on personal freedoms I could go on given over 70 per cent of over 70's where 99 per cent of the deaths have occurred to date have been vaccinated.

Victoria shit down a whole state for almost a week ( excluding Melbourne the lock down capital of the world ) in its latest debacle because they thought there was some Covid in the sewage in a regional Town which turned out to be nothing but shit literally,

Melbourne in its 6th hard lockdown where you cannot leave your home unless you run out of food nearing 200 days and counting is only mentioned on this post because again the so called experts are often confused and power hungry with no skin in the game.

They still haven't confirmed how many transmissions have occurred in PT and outdoors of the delta strain and it could be as little as zero.

nobody wants to travel on trains and trams in Australia anymore they are too frightened and that is not good for the environment,

2020 projected GDP growth: 1.8%
2021 protection: 8%

According to the OECD, China is the only G20 country which will see a growth in GDP in 2020, an amazing feat given it was the first nation hit by the Covid-19 pandemic.

‘A sharper-than-expected recovery took place in China, with activity returning quickly to pre-pandemic levels by the end of the second quarter, fuelled by strong infrastructure investment,’ the OECD said.


2020 projected GDP growth: -3.8%
2021 protection: 4%

The US has suffered the worst numbers of recorded deaths of Covid-19, with 195,000 deaths according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its economy has also taken a substantial hit too, with unemployment at 8.4% in August.

However the OECD said the Federal Reserve’s signalling towards a softer approach to inflation handling, alongside a depreciation of the

Climate change is a GLOBAL issue. There needs to be tighter regulation and stronger enforcement of GLOBAL treaties.
Perhaps but good luck with that one.

Boris and Joe V CCP and India , you pick a side.

BTW the latest treaty I believe gives ' Developing countries a leave pass"' unless I am mistaken.

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