Climate Change is here and man made

Yeah look when I posted it, 9 years ago. Thank fuck I’ve grown up since then and read the hard science and I’m no longer of the “I’m actually quite rich so it won’t really affect me either way and fuck the millions of poor cunts that will starve” mindset.

Apologies, I magically managed to reply to you, via my pocket, unintentionally! You'll see from my post count I only lurk - apologies
Humanity is the biggest virus and when were gone this place will regenerate for the next species to hopefully not fuck up.
Humanity is the biggest virus and when were gone this place will regenerate for the next species to hopefully not fuck up.

Whilst I agree to an extent, we have a duty of care to at least attempt to preserve what's here.
What mess are we in Bazz just to clarify?

Have you been asleep for the past 5 years? Look at all the extreme weather events that are happening. Pull your head out of the sand.

I suggest you have lost the plot.

There's not even a point in arguing with you because you're ignoring facts and creating stories to try and justify some warped pointless argument. I'd say you're the one who's lost the plot, but I'd imagine you've never had any sense to begin with.
Anything at all would be a start...

Or how about not turning up to parliament with a fucking lump of coal.
Coal is used to supply 80 per cent of our electricity needs.

BTW Explain anything?

That not an answer that's a submission that you don't have an answer.

Go the the Hunter seeing you know the country well and tell the 140lk plus all their families and the rest that depend on coal production and tell them they are destroying the planet slowly but surely and that is just for starters and there jobs are worthless and dangerous to mankind while our electricity bills go up through a conversion and more people freeze in winter and boil in summer.

yes we need to reduce our reliance on coal in this country but it has to measured and as others have said you cannot turn the tap off and keep the lights on buddy.

You fail to realise our country is based on three main things minerals , transportation and agriculture that supplies the needs of many other countries and they all happen to be high end in CO2 output.

We have the highest per capita of solar panels on houses in the developed world.

We are world leading in Hydro , high quality coal , iron ore , agriculture , carbon capture and you come up with that rubbish to make a point.

We produce less than 1.3 per cent of the worlds man made output and its decreasing per capita by world standards.

Arm chair experts Bazz plenty of them around what would you do if you were PM? on climate change in Australia.
I mean linking the actual event of the leaking of the virus from a Wuhan lab to a pandemic and the climate.

the climate has probably cooled a bit and got a bit greener during the pandemic according to satellite technology although there are numerous factors pushing and pulling to take into account.

What do you think about pandemics Bazz do they increase global warming or not?
Knows he's wrong, so asks 'do pandemics increase global warming', rather than real fact of the matter that climate change, consumerism and encroachment into wildlife will lead to more pandemics.

how was the climate warming when we had the plague due to "man made" emissions. We've always had pandemics, we've had many throughout history. The problem is that the extreme pandemics will become more frequent due to human activity.

Can't someone thread ban this numpty?
Humanity is the biggest virus and when were gone this place will regenerate for the next species to hopefully not fuck up.

I absolutely hate this mindset. Thinking of people as a virus is dangerous and it isn't too many steps from this to start trying to justify genocide, as they are only a virus.

Do you see yourself as a virus or just other parts of humanity?

2020 projected GDP growth: 1.8%
2021 protection: 8%

According to the OECD, China is the only G20 country which will see a growth in GDP in 2020, an amazing feat given it was the first nation hit by the Covid-19 pandemic.

‘A sharper-than-expected recovery took place in China, with activity returning quickly to pre-pandemic levels by the end of the second quarter, fuelled by strong infrastructure investment,’ the OECD said.


2020 projected GDP growth: -3.8%
2021 protection: 4%

The US has suffered the worst numbers of recorded deaths of Covid-19, with 195,000 deaths according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its economy has also taken a substantial hit too, with unemployment at 8.4% in August.

However the OECD said the Federal Reserve’s signalling towards a softer approach to inflation handling, alongside a depreciation of the
Bazz tends to leap before he looks , Australia will have positive GDP as well in 2021 we come out of lockdown lunacy notwithstanding GFC mark 11 but our public and private debt has been crippled we will not see a blue figure on the budget bottom line for many a decade.

the amount of wasted public expenditure on this pandemic in the country has been frightening and the FEDs will eventually stop printing money and buying bonds.

if inflation kicks off in the US as predicted some stormy times ahead no doubt.
2021 edit:

You rabble rouser you.

Sadly in a world where political stances mean you wave your flag for whatever side you support I see little chance of this issue every being sorted.

One side will shout act now, the other side will shout fake news.

That count in Florida when George Bush became President has had long reaching effects.

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