Club Badge (merged)

I suspect that this is another Internet rumour and nothing more. We don't own the copyright to the old badge and you can vet that whoever does own it would extort us for tens of millions to buy it back, especially as a new badge in the design of the other CFG logos would be sufficiently close to the old design that they could potentially sue for copyright infringement and make an even bigger packet by refusing to sell.

The real irony for me, of course, is that if it did change, in 20 or 30 years, when our kids have become the new gobby Internet forum warrior generation, they'll all associate the old badge with our first success for 35 years and will start discussions and arguments about replacing the circular badge with the "old" phoenix/eagle, stars and shield one.

If we changed it would be a version of the former badge and likely wouldn't have the Lancashire rose.
why they havent done it already in line with the others must be a threat or a pending suit on the NYCFC and MelFC ones, but could only see a copyright suit being successful on the Manchester City arc as every other element is used in other, similar looking badges (Chelsea, Scum etc)
It's about time we get rid of that bird; it's awful, seeing all of the CL club crests together puts into context how tacky ours is, and I'm surprised it hasn't been addressed sooner to be honest.

No point having an elite squad and facilities if the literal depiction of the club looks like a product of a primary school competition.
It's about time we get rid of that bird; it's awful, seeing all of the CL club crests together puts into context how tacky ours is, and I'm surprised it hasn't been addressed sooner to be honest.

No point having an elite squad and facilities if the literal depiction of the club looks like a product of a primary school competition.
Ridiculous comments.

You honestly think other clubs look at our badge and think it's awful? I think you need to get out more.
It would be nice to use the coat of arms as the 'official' badge, we shouldn't let that other mob have sole rights to it. Probably not right for the shirt so a round badge without that eagle (never liked that or the stars) would be just fine
don't mind the present badge with the beswick buzzard on it, have got used to it after nearly 20yrs of it, but the old/former/retro crest is the omly one for me unless I buy an official shirt all my pin badges or shirts are the round crest and is also used when I use a city badge as a wallpaper or profile picture, so if it came back would be delighted.

My only real gripe with our present crest is the now shite practise of the all one colour versions like on the away kit, just don't like them.
don't mind the present badge with the beswick buzzard on it, have got used to it after nearly 20yrs of it, but the old/former/retro crest is the omly one for me unless I buy an official shirt all my pin badges or shirts are the round crest and is also used when I use a city badge as a wallpaper or profile picture, so if it came back would be delighted.

My only real gripe with our present crest is the now shite practise of the all one colour versions like on the away kit, just don't like them.
brilliant the beswick buzzard ,im having that and by the way imo there is nothing wrong with the present badge ,better than that shitty red rose any day
Hope this is genuinely on the cards

if we had anything remotely like @GeekinGav's efforts I would be ecstatic

May even start buying club merchandise again!
Absolutely this. I won't buy a thing with it on for my lad either. I am a bit past wearing club stuff but anything we do have will never have that atrocity on it. That thing is not and never will be Manchester City's badge.

What it does do is sum up perfectly the slide to the brink and the small time mob who presided over it. An indefinable bird thing, the absence of our name, the stars for a European feel, yeah, throw in some dubious fucking latin while we are at it! The very fact they needed one because some visionary had sold the rights to the club's badge for 20 quid. Christ I can't look at the thing without getting mad.

While we are at it. For the current incumbents in the department of bright ideas, get our full name on the back of that tracksuit top, and other places for that matter and stop over thinking things. MCFC and City for graffiti (if you're 12) and Twitter. The club's name on its kit. You can buy Champions merchandise without the club's name anywhere on it! Just how does that happen?

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