Club Badge (merged)

I said Eagle, I'd rather leave the badge as is than lose it, we've had that badge since I was 12.


This one wasn't bad although the Eagle design needs polishing a little bit, it also creates room for the est. date which is important to a lot of blues. Could lose the initials out of the centre though.

I'd be happy with something like that.
It's part of our badge and has been throughout some of the best days in the club's history as well as the worst.

so if wed have had a pigeon on it instead would you still feel the same ? over that time - because of success. the eagle doesn't mean anything to the city of manchester. our older badges have been through some of our best days and worst swell and they relate to manchester.
so if wed have had a pigeon on it instead would you still feel the same ? over that time - because of success. the eagle doesn't mean anything to the city of manchester. our older badges have been through some of our best days and worst swell and they relate to manchester.

Most pointless argument ever(thats like me saying "would you be happy to have a daft banana boat on there if our history was banana boats rather than shipping... eh would you eh?" ;) ), it's not a pigeon its an Eagle which is a Regal symbol used throughout history by many powerful establishments/groups of people.

If you want to add some meaning to it try this quote on for size:
The eagle with its keen eyes symbolized perspicacity, courage, strength and immortality, but is also considered "king of the skies" and messenger of the highest Gods. With these attributed qualities the eagle became a symbol of power and strength in Ancient Rome.

Furthermore it doesn't have to be just about the City itself does it?(We're a football club--is it too soon to say a global one?-- not a council) The club is old enough to have it's own history now and the Eagle is and will be part of the clubs history(not only that but to many the best period of our history so far came while we had it). We're not the only club to use symbolism like this and barely any of those can claim it has anything to do with their City(nobody can claim the eagle really and how many places use a lion as their symbol?).

I do get where some are coming from but it's all too PC and "authentic" and finicky... the result of that is it all sounds very boring and will most likely result in something that looks very boring too IMO if we go too far down that path.
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I said Eagle, I'd rather leave the badge as is than lose it, we've had that badge since I was 12.


This one wasn't bad although the Eagle design needs polishing a little bit, it also creates room for the est. date which is important to a lot of blues. Could lose the initials out of the centre though.

This appears to be the most modern one, I was very much against the idea of the eagle but have changed my mind, I think the others with the shield inside the circle are a bit of an eyesore, only change would be get rid of the mcfc in the middle, round badge,date,rivers,eagle,ship,sky blue and white plus black and gold for the bee lovers
so if wed have had a pigeon on it instead would you still feel the same ? over that time - because of success. the eagle doesn't mean anything to the city of manchester. our older badges have been through some of our best days and worst swell and they relate to manchester.

Reading the thread though it appears a lot of what is on the old badge no longer relates to the city of Manchester, the eagle is now part of our history whether we like it or not, the trouble is we are finding it hard to think of anything that relates to the club and the city, we can't have a badge with the arndale on it
It will be a circle I am sure.

Makes it easier and cheaper to have the badge embroided separately .

The eagle badge sewn onto the 2009 kit was stunning but sadly too expensive to continue manufacturing .
I hope we get a choice of two like the NY Badge and that again only members can vote
Yep even then I can see a lot of people still being divided, I know what things I'd rather have on there but I'd get over it if it wasn't what I was hoping and get used to whatever is chosen, I think everyone should just give their preference and try and sit back from it. Thats change for you(I was thinking I'd rather just leave it as it is than end up with one that I don't like at first), there's some people still wanting old old badges back so they still haven't got over the last change, most will get used to it in time though.
If you dig deep enough it seems there is reason not to have any of the past things on the badge...

The cross arguably was worn by Gorton (not 100% sure who the team is apparently) so not really City , and too religious
The ships stopped at Salford and never made it to Manchester
The stripes have not been 100% confirmed that they are the 3 rivers but could be nicked from a De Nelly family crest
The eagle was created in the 50s and the rags wore it first
The red rose, well Manchester isn't in Lancs anymore.

If you bring in cotton, bees, new mottos then that's starting a whole new angle again that could really upset fans.

I dunno what the answer is, one thing is for sure, it isn't going to make everybody happy that's for certain as there are so many things that can go into a new badge from older stuff likes cross patees, to stripes, ships and roses and eagles.

The more I read the more I'm leaning towards sticking to what we have,it was the most researched badge created in our history to date, if it didn't have those damn stars I reckon most people could live with it, problem is, you can't just drop them now, it's stick or twist. I bet the club never wish they'd asked!

I agree with Gary James on one thing, the words Manchester City Football Club should be in there somewhere.

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