Club Badge (merged)

I'd quite like to see a stylised MCFC in a roundel. A bit like Inter, Real Madrid or even NYC... Couldn't we do a rework that doesn't copy the Manc Central version?
I used to use that entrance in the 60's for the Aces.

Gary.....what are your individual preferences for a new badge?
My personal preference....

I'm the type of historian who wants us all to understand our past and use it to know where we've come from but, and this is important, we have to move forward. We have to learn from what's gone before and not replicate it. I've made a big point of saying in the talks that now is actually the right time for this consultation because we've enjoyed some success and, also, our previous successes are still within living memory, so it's not a case of doing what Huddersfield did and stick 3 stars on their badge to say 'look at what we won decades ago'. Had the consultation happened in 2008 after the takeover I'm convinced we'd have had campaigns to simply go back to a badge because it was a reminder of what we had once won or away days at Bradford etc. Now we've got the chance to say we're a club moving forward, moving onwards and upwards so, where each badge we've used has been representative of its era - the original represents the Mercer-Allison successes; the red rose the 70s-90s; the eagle the embarrassment of the late 90s and the modern day resurrection. Our next badge needs to represent our status as a major European power while remembering where we came from.

Personally, I'm totally against using emblems that predate MCFC 1894, i.e. those used by Gorton AFC and Ardwick AFC that have been discussed by some, and I'm also against simply resurrecting a badge. Personally I'd like a round badge; I'd like 'Manchester City F.C.' spelt out on it; and beyond that I want something fresh. Of our past elements I'd personally prefer to include the rivers (as they are the oldest element of the Manchester COA). The shield - if we use it for me it has to be the scalloped shield (that's 'our' style and links to early 1900s and our 1st success). The ship - if we use it it has to be the original with the sails and flags all pointing the right way.

Personally, I want a simple badge and want the Manchester City FC letters big bold around a central element. I want those letters to be clear whenever the TV cameras show our players. I look at badges like Hajduk Split which, for political reasons, have had to change. SPlit's badge is recognisable and seen all over Croatia and that's what i want from City's badge (in UK, but if it gets seen all over Croatia that's a bonus!). Hajduk's badge is round, spells out their name and the central element is simple and representative of their identity (it's changed over the years but every incarnation remains clear what they stand for - at that time!).

Clarity, power, history and Manchester - if we can embody that in a badge then I don't really care what the individual elements are and I trust MCFC to get this right. Personally, I think the current eagle badge is cluttered and it loses something as a result.

Thanks for asking - I've held back throughout the process saying that I'll answer the question once views have been entered. The consultation phase has ended and so I'm happy to give my personal opinion but please remember it is only my personal opinion. It means no more, no less than any other fan. I hope everyone took their opportunity to get their views to City. Remember the MEN survey is not the official one and does not play a part in the decision process.
Oh shut up you Eagle haters, you know it's staying and thats why you are being such a vocal minority and really some of you need to grow up... sheesh. I really hope it stays even more now because it will be funny watching you throw your toys out of your prams, plus it would be kind of karma for some of the attitudes shown.

Nobody is contesting the rivers or the ship... whats the point of comparing it to that? What a desperate strawman that is. The eagle is a something people are split on 51% says more people want it, the only thing you could compare it to is the Red Rose(which not everyone is a fan of... myself included) which got 54% but even then thats not a huge difference.

If I'd have known about the poll I'd have voted for the eagle myself and no on the rose, those against seem more obsessed about getting rid of it than those that want to keep it. I think they will run some more polls between now and when it's announced, does it even say how many people voted?

Agree not keen on the rose but that's personal preference like I would like the eagle. Whatever the badge will be I will like it though because bottom line it's a Manchester City badge.
Reading Gary's post, i would be bitterly bitterly disappointed if the eagle was incorporated in any shape or form in our new badge. Hopefully if he puts this view back to the club it is made clear it is his own personal view and not that of the general consensus of city fans.
I'd quite like to see a stylised MCFC in a roundel. A bit like Inter, Real Madrid or even NYC... Couldn't we do a rework that doesn't copy the Manc Central version?

Having tried it out; it doesn't really look that great :/ having 2 Cs in there leaves a big gap on the right hand side and a lot of clutter in the middle.

I don't think the club would go that route. I believe they used the interlaced letters to include a bit of the Yankees styling in the NYC badge. The Americans do like using interlaced lettering - especially their college football teams. Spanish teams seam to use it too. I may have another crack at it for you later, but it doesn't look great IMHO
This is the badge forum. If you want to read about the price of pies and pints or winge about your seasoncard their are other threads. How many others are you representative of?

I know it's a badge forum thanks for reminding me.
You and one or two others are making it dull as fuck with your constant haranguing of people who don't happen to agree with you
As much as I love the MCFC from Manchester Central (the ironwork on the Belle Vue stadium looked fantastic - pic in Manchester A Football History: - it has to be remembered that City did all they could to join forces with Utd and kill off Manchester Central. Manchester Central were set up as rivals to City & Utd and aimed to be Manchester's second club (after City). They were founded by a disgruntled former City director to ensure East Manchester had its own team. The MCFC lettering is great, but it's of a rival, not our MCFC.

Yeah I know we were twats with them and again saved united in the process, I just like it as you say you do also buy know we could never use it , they have reformed I believe and use this in their badge anyway

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