Club Badge (merged)

Fair dos mate.

How about large MC and a smaller FC in the space on the right...? Or use 1894?

Here's the badges mentioned btw...




Maybe could get the "rivers" behind like RM's. Could even stick the ship on top?

I wouldn't be adverse to something along the lines of these badges
My only worry about the badge is that it's being made by inhouse City graphics guys rather than the top pro who did the New York badge.

The same inhouse team did the horrific Melbourne badge.
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My only worry about the badge is that it's being made by inhouse City graphics guy rather than the top pro who did the New York badge.

The same inhouse team did the horrific Melbourne badge.
AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!! You`ve just spoiled my day!!!!!

This is what people seem to want, I've said goodbye to my subtle eagle :'(


End the thread! (Always wanted to say that ;-)

Seriously mate, I wouldn't change a thing about them, absolutely stunning. Perfect design, perfect colours.

@Ric I know you are loathe to do polls, but as this is something on which fans are voting on, could you please set up a poll on this design vs the current existing design to see which is more popular.

The club have been great in allowing us to vote on our favourite symbols, but we may never get to vote on a final design. Having a vote on Bluemoon would be a great way to show the club a final design we like. Otherwise there is a fear we could end up with a Melbourne badge with a load of popular symbols crammed in to a horror of a final badge.

Going off this thread, this core design is the most popular, very similar to GeekInGav's popular designs. The roundel, traditional inner shield, ship and rivers were also the most popular symbols voted on the M.E.N and this badge reflects those.

If Ric or any other mods could set up a poll. Which do you prefer, this design, ot the current badge, it would be a great way of gauging the popular view. Cheers
I have seen a number of posts that seem to suggest that this consultation process is going to progress towards a setting out of options by the club and a vote of fans to select the preferred choice.

I am sure, but would be glad to be put right, that this is not true. Surely this is just a consultation exercise which ensures that the club has collated the opinions of fans and involved them. As it is now ended I would be guessing that information will just be one set of inputs, along with a number of strategic intentions that they have, e.g. commercial outcomes, desire for a global brand etc. which will lead to them announcing their decision. Surely the fans role now is at an end?

Whilst I say their decision, I do not mean this as any form of criticism - I believe that it is entirely right, proper and fair for them to make that decision. They have been as inclusive as would be appropriate with the consultation - much more so than most clubs (or companies/institutions etc.) - but as this thread shows you cannot achieve some widespread consensus - the need now is for the executives of the club to make an executive decision.

I just hope that when the decision is announced that it results in acceptance and support from fans - my concern is that the consultation exercise has bred a sense of 'over-entitlement' of fans that they have some right of determination. I can see a period of - whatever the decision - undue criticism and surliness from a spectrum of fans - just because the satisfaction derived from moaning.

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