Club Badge (merged)

I might be missing something but can someone explain the problem with city being straight? If city was curved round it would stretched and fucking shite as the posts above prove it needs to be a longer word or with FC next to it. Wipe your fannys if one word being straight gets your goat then you need to go out and get laid
Utter nonsense

The word city is linear rather than on an arced path because on a badge that size, when put on a curved path, the T and Y start to close in together which makes the second part of the word look cluttered compared to the C and I.

Instead of just editing the badge I recreated it using vector shapes so it's easy to come across the issues the designers had.

Also interesting to note that whilst the outer section is round the inner circles are actually ever so slightly squashed and not entirely circular. They've obviously chosen how it will look and then tried to work it best they can, instead of coming up with new ideas.
The word city is linear rather than on an arced path because on a badge that size, when put on a curved path, the T and Y start to close in together which makes the second part of the word look cluttered compared to the C and I.

Instead of just editing the badge I recreated it using vector shapes so it's easy to come across the issues the designers had.

Also interesting to note that whilst the outer section is round the inner circles are actually ever so slightly squashed and not entirely circular. They've obviously chosen how it will look and then tried to work it best they can, instead of coming up with new ideas.
That's solely the illusion that the overlapping wank shield creates, it steals focus from the circular imagery which makes it utterly redundant.
Just some more thoughts on comments made, doesn't the red rose come from the Manchester COA? This makes it as valid as the ship and rivers if it's still on there. Not that I like it on a blue background.

yep it does and if you go to most older buildings in manchester you will see it there too. its just as relevant as the ship imo to our history as a city
It's a badge that nobody will be talking about in a few months time.

FWIW I like it.
It's not, I've disected it and rebuilt it in photoshop, inner circles are taller than they are wide.
To accommodate the useless shield that they've made too big to incorporate all they've crammed into it..
Not sure of your point here mate? You don't think they designed it so the word "City" was more prominent? What's your take on it then?
But the word City doesn't look more prominent it looks out of sinc with the Manchester, the ship should be a third of the shield not half,football club should be in there & the rose just looks like an after thought. When something is being designed, you take basic elements you want & put them together so as to create something that looks like a single entity, omitting things that just don't look right, I mean even the lettering font doesn't look right. A competent graphic designer could sort this out in half an hour. It looks amateurish, someone on here has made it look miles better by putting white in the stripes & football club back in. These are things that should have been played around with by the designers, it looks to me like they've just said ' it's not important & that'll do'. They pretend to listen but actually the people that sanctioned this hav'nt got a clue.
im hope no one has beaten me to the punch but hands up who wishes we could have the old badge with the stars and eagle back

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