Club Badge (merged)

If the rumours and pics in the press are correct, I quite like the new badge. It reminds me of my childhood.

So does Mary, Mungo and Midge; and for those who remember the graphics on that programme will realise we must have employed the same fella to make this!
I don't think it's that far off tbf

I hated it on first viewing. But for me it could be altered to something along the lines of below. Simply to make it look a little less cartoony and american.

That's so much better. Take away the cartoony style and it's pretty much perfect.
The one color logo might look like this embroidered...

What if...

The shield was smaller, and we had the same eagle behind it inside the circle with wings overlapping but a bit tidier than they are atm? Same head. It would stand out amongst all badges then whilst still being round with the retro elements.
ok i know this thread is so big that people seem to only read the most recent page then post... but how about opinion on these 3?!

Cos it seems this is the badge, and any whining isn't going to change it - we can only hope for tiny changes, such as writing, or shading..

So which is best, i think middle one (and not just cos i changed it!), left looks too empty, right too full.


Any takers?!
The middle one is the best and the one on the right comes a close second, the one we are stuck with is a poor third.

Like many have said, having City straight and it looks lost is wrong.

The middle one is superb, the club have got it close to what we want but wrong. Surely we can fight for the middle one and the club would listen.

Come on blues, voice our opinions, unity is powerful

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