Club Badge (merged)

It would be interesting if we could have a poll on here to guage reaction before its officially launched on Saturday. A simple Like/Dislike/Unsure would do the trick. If there was a negative response to it, this might persuade them to consider making a few tweeks at some stage later rather than present it as the finished article.
Seconded - We should have a poll on it.
It's a badge that nobody will be talking about in a few months time.

FWIW I like it.
Our owners will have related the eagle to the UAE. The CTFC City brand however is beyond anything they would have anticipated when initially looking at taking over Premier League Clubs. Gary Cook did us proud with the vision he pitched, currently being implemented with the City brand.

I started watching City in the pre Mercer Allison days when clubs represented their towns and cities rather than their own branding. Interesting how Man Utd now sport Manchester coat of arms badges rather than their trademak Manchester United red devils logo. It can only be to reinforce how they are historically and still in some quarters referred to as "Manchester".

A lot of froth has been generated by a few people on this thread. I have no problems with an eagle, after all we had a hawk or such dangling from the rafters to scare the pigeons at Maine Road. Whilst there is a real pictorial link between Manchester and eagles.

The ship is interesting because Manchester is still referred to related to in parts of the world to denote household goods or corduroy for example. In contrast, the likes of Bristol and Liverpool, historic outlets for such products and import of goods was built on the slave trade. The latest dynamic, gold version of the ship is ok by me as a symbol of Manchester.

The three rivers stripes are now more identified globally as Adidas. I can understand the cover by the red rose. it adds a historic embem, colour and historic links.

I do not the inclusion of 1894 on any level. Yes I know the history so far and it can change in an instant. So why? To what purpose? Get rid.

Personally I totally dislike the design of the new coloured badge but really like the monochrome version in dark blue.

ps those wittering on about the NYCFC badge not reflecting the city must have failed to notice the similar styled lettering relalated to NY with a NY lettering logo on hundreds of millions of products
nope still dont like it .... even in a comparison style in CFG brand ...

nope still dont like it .... even in a comparison style in CFG brand ...


That bottom veriom of the new badge is ace exactly what they could have done simple and clasic

it is what it is bottom left is great what we are getting is as shite as the bird I have lived 20 yes with a shite bage so cannot be arsed caring now I will still wear the rose and 30's badges on my jackets with pride as per the eagle
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Like it or not it, the design is modern for the 21st century.

The central badge itself lends itself to endorsements and branding as a sign of quality without being partisan.
Why are rags on twitter saying we've copied their badge? Are they really that thick? Their badge isn't even a circle!
nope still dont like it .... even in a comparison style in CFG brand ...


and though not massive changes, the bottom version answers much of the criticism (border too fat, no FC/gFootball Club, Shield oveflap, schoolboy effort!) and looks much better

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