Club Badge (merged)

Exactly, We're the Citizens or Blues or simply City.

Get a Bee on it!

That bee looks totally out of place, its just been slapped on there.
Can't disagree with anything you're saying here bud.

But I'm sure the Rags actually pay MCC to use the COA?
I read this somewhere... Whereas due to us actually being in Manchester we wouldn't pay for the COA use?


Even though I would like elements of this in a new rounded badge, the bee thing may stick to newer fans and
we may end up developing an American team style nickname like: The Bee's... or something corny like that.

Love the Lion in the badge though.

That would be hilarious if true about The Shite. I know for the last 30 years they have not been able to have parades outside Manchester town hall and have to have it outside Trafford town hall. They let them have it outside our town hall in 2013 and I remember Slurgie saying it was ridiculous that they weren't allowed before.

But here's the thing for me - it's about identity. The Shite's identity is the red devils, they've got it on their shirt and everyone knows it's them. Whether they stole it from Salford Rugby League or not, the devil badge with hot dogs and footballs surrounding it is their identity.

What about our identity? What do we represent? Well for me, we represent the city of Manchester and have done for over 100 years. The very name "City" means that our identity is the city that the club is based in, and we represent the people here. What better way to represent that than to use the crest from the Manchester Coat of Arms? It's so obvious, so simple that it's perfect.

If we brought back the rose, what would that represent? The county of Lancashire, a county that the club doesn't even represent.

For me, Manchester City and it's badge should represent the city of Manchester. That's who we are.
I grew up with the round badge and prefer it to the Eagle but I don't really want to go "back" to an old badge, I also like the elements of our badge that represent Manchester.

So there must be a happy medium, a modern take on the more "traditional" badges we've had, Maltese Cross and a nod to St Marks would also be great but isn't their some problem with that as a religious logo?

The one tailspin has posted above is smart, I'd have the Unicorn and Lion from the Mcr coat of arms on either side of that badge too but that isn't going to happen because we'll need "another effing shield Nike have put round the badge on the shirt!!"

Round badge for me, more keen on the three stripes than the rose of Lancashire even though I grew up as that being our badge, even though I've always supported Lancashire I see myself as Manc not Lanc.

I still like this one of Gav's
Maybe a bee on one side and a Maltese cross on the other instead of the two Maltese crosses?

Think this one's the winner for me – I don't agree with putting bees on it, the only tweak i'd make personally is changing the latin motto – it's far too small where it is, it looks lost. Either enlarge the panel under the waves and increase the font size or get rid completely... then job's a good un!

Have to say i'm surprised at the club for considering this – changing, what effectively is the club's branding, is a monumental - and expensive - task.
"Our badge should be round
our badge should be round,
we're man city and our badge should be round"

Get this going people... I'll be singing this (on my own initially) tomorrow so please don't embaress me and sing along :D

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